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  1. Eeeeerrrrggg what pain in bleeppp!!!!!!!!

    YES IM BACK AND ABIG PAIN in ASS to singe in AAAAEEERRGG may be i post some pis of my new busty bikini girl guard ALL youz are good and be commenting lots your minis but will get back to soon so fore now your ALLsacfe

    well ALLLLLLLLL just had add it my micfalen SPM just had do it but my not be dun looks BLOCHY might add rust and batle DAMIGE TO AND whight knee caps just a thing yes my one a bit of cheat did have di the under coting or take apart yes if did it i brack dam thing thats how all goes when i get stuff might go back and see if have ok the necron but if do find a nuther SPM and is artes proof will might do all over with new one just got see and ...
    Tags: spm Add / Edit Tags
    Tabletop Gaming , Warhammer 40K
  3. yes didgot aaaaa?????????

    yes i got a mic falen space maren hes big and blue now and got 3 d shoder pads see logo ahnd i shud do a pic will see you see on my face book at time might do rust and mud efets will see its whas that hard to do just had do it but geting the figger whas hard bit like see who eles got the toy like take to em if play the game but we have a thing hope can get one $ 200 bucks and box set of IGs can be mine hek $ 400 bucks and ...
    Tags: micfalen spm Add / Edit Tags
  4. well you know EEERRRGG havent dun stuff

    havent dun stuff with this i see we have over 130000 vews on this wish al go to my you tube chanel yes redgreen09 and see my vids well that out whay we shd post new stuff ok think i got some all and dam aleten hat all add and BS but not hare minis will get more now fore some caplay difent yes short one
  5. well new stuff may be

    well not mutch go get out and do some stuff and get new cam got get batarys fore old one and piost on face book you see the you tube not on got get my PC fixed so can up date mt stuff by fall shud be going full tielt but new stuff going on face book just pics the vid wil not have sound to em so see pic if you like on redgreen09 on face book not the tube thats you but will keep you ALL posted TTFN
  6. well back in wwhhhooo

    yes finly figerd outy mt paSS WORD I HATE ALLL MY Psaass worrds YAK just a pain in ass well think adding pics of my new stuff on face book the tube that me not working at time some DUMB b shit bull nonses of witch network i am on EEEEERRRGGGGG but get fixes soon but face book will have to do and ues old cam tell i get out to wal mart that open even during this yes shud gone but the bus may not run best to whaght tell GREEN a nuther thing bout ...
  7. the count up thare

    well the vews are lot wish get this mennny on the you tube think my page is going get 10 tows or 10k be fun to see ho on mini stuff not much might do it a vid on how to do meatel flags and baners but no ones going see it hay all out thare see my vids on the tube if i just get the vews like do hare got do new vids soon and might add stuff besieds thiss to thiss page so TTFN and keep vewing lest get ...
  8. just one days

    well not much had a big A dr thing and well cant say but nope no vid nither but on the mini side will be doing some soon and yes see on the tube now cant what tell jilly of 2020 going see mell the terrain tooter and not him the hole ffamly kids and all but no ozzy the dog hes staying home wth some one taking care of him but got get gifs fore all and yes one fore the ozz think i know what get but will see the 8th of jilly ...
  9. Haven ben do

    well alll just have not bin do much you got go the you tube to see my new stuff soon new post thare the big thing and hope get to do it in jilly the histic con mell the terrain tooter be thaer and get meat em and may be some games wil see big vid stuff thare other stuff EEEERRRGGG got get the stuff fix some vichels no big dale i get glue my be at the con get mini seen olny on the E NET will see just going be fun ...
    Tags: new stuff Add / Edit Tags
  10. Bin a whiell

    yes ben a bit just cant get my codes wright see my new things on the you tube at yes redgreen09 and cros figers and other thing that my train square win a prize on idicbears contest i realy need a you tube priz be fun to to do fist is army GW starer box think if get it i do DA orks but yes wil never hapen but god fun and not mini io wish had some the new addums fammly film oh boy cant whaght tell haloween ...
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