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  1. Circle Orboros - Shifting stones

    I did a quick and dirty job. Base coat of Greatcoat Grey. Two coats of Nuln Oil wash. One coat did not darken enough the recesses to my liking. After that, I did some dry brushing with some darker gray, white and blue. For the green glow on the runes, I used successive glazes of Iosan Green and a wash of Morrow White in the recesses. It’s not as glowing as I would have wanted but for a job under 3 hours, I’m fairly happy with the result.

  2. Warpwolf Stalker part 2

    Well it's been a while since my last post because I've been busy working on a side project related to Warmachine that I will talk about in the future. I've also been reading some books on color theory just to educate myself a bit and help me understand how to mix color.

    Anyway, I almost finished my Stalker. The base and the final varnish are not done yet.

    I tried to take better pictures using a small booth and some better lightning. I ...
  3. Painting the Warpwolf Stalker


    I realized that painting is way harder than I expected (blogging in English too) and that I can't aim for perfect blending so soon in my "hobbyist" career. I fully completed maybe 2 models since I started painting almost a year ago. When I painted my first model, I stripped it down 3 times with simple green before I was happy with the way it looked. I have to let go my perfectionism and learn that perfection is only achievable by repetition. I also ...
  4. Starting a blog - Circle orboros

    Hello there! I started a new blog to document my journey into the world of Warmachine and Hordes. This blog will also help me try to improve my English. You may find some grammatical errors and I strongly encourage you to tell me how to correct them. Thanks a lot!

    Getting into Hordes

    I finally could not resist buying one of the all in one army box. I'm already far behind painting both my Khador and Cygnar armies, but these boxes

    Updated 06-23-2015 at 08:09 PM by PureConstant

    Painting and Modelling , Tabletop Gaming , Warmachine , General

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