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  1. Coming back to it and...

    I've got a backlog to show for it. It's really starting to look more and more unsermountable. Been busy at work and with the girlfriend, on top of that I've just been feeling down and not getting much done at all.
    My current projects are now (in no real order)
    Black templar army (as fluffy as possible)
    the beginings of my "dark taudar" tau army with costom Gue'vesa unit(s)
    Brandy motor maiden from miniature factory
    and I just bought two takoashi university models from ...
  2. Starting...

    So, I'm going to start this blog, hopefully this will force me to be more productive in my modeling and painting.

    First a little bit about me. I'm fairly new to the world of miniatures and have lots to learn ( i have a feeling most of this blog will end up being about me trying new things, more then finished nice projects) I've always like modeling since i was younger, I grew up with those snap together kits and the glue ones that in the hands of a 10 year old always get f#%$ed up, ...

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