well,as seeing that no one seems to watch my posts,I'm to stop to write info here,no need to waste my time...
My next commission it's a mighty Arconte...let's see what can I do with it...
My next comission it's just a Gnoblar Scraplauncher...just now working on assembly and clan parts...xd
Next comission work is a dark eldar rider for the wyches client.So much airbrush that time,but sadly,the colour scheme he choose for it it's so simple...I will try to make something special with that...so soon!
Updated 08-02-2015 at 08:43 PM by Skandabcn
Well, to disconnect a little bit from brush painting I make some help to a friend comission big Eldar Specter Knight in some kind of collab...also, first Tau inished
well,just working in a new comission about 3 crysis armor of Tau army...so close to finish the first one of that trio...so soon I will post it
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