Blog dedicado al arte del modelismo y pintura de ministuras y maquetas.
Finally Games Workshop had published an official list of base sizes for their AoS range of miniatures in their last FAQ, including old Warhammer ones. So I decided to update my previos conversion table, with relations between Age of Sigmar bases and previos Warhammer rectangular bases and sizes, and the adapter/converter from SOLO ediciones to use both without removing neither. AND I INCLUDE FORGEWORLD ONES! Here you are (if not showing, you need to open this post to display the list): ...
Updated 07-26-2018 at 09:50 AM by jlmelladovalle
Updated 07-26-2018 at 07:54 AM by jlmelladovalle (add categories)
Hello. A few weeks ago I launched my own painting and modeling Youtube cannel. Agujero Hobby (hobby hole, in spanish) has old videos from previous channel project where I was participating as designer, editor and miniature painter. Now, I've decided to show my job for myself. As all my videos and work are ever FREE, I need your support to continue doing it. Please, think in contribute and donate for a simple coffee, I'll thank you very much:
Updated 09-29-2017 at 07:37 PM by jlmelladovalle (changing channel)
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