After watching numerous videos on YouTube, I decided to create a 4x4 gaming table topper for my home. I am learning as I go and have never done anything like this. I would love advice from enthusiasts and hobbyists on better construction materials and ideas for what to do with the wall. I started by building a 1x1 frame. Then, I covered the frame with corrugated plastic ...
Updated 12-29-2018 at 01:25 AM by Dugefreshness
This is the first one I finished. First attempt at burnt SS First attempt at power sword Proud of this face
I just bought the dark imperium starter set a week ago. I was very nervous to start painting as I had no experience painting. Except maybe a house. With the help of Duncan Rhodes at warhammer TV, this is what I've come up with so far. Thank you for the c&c in advance.
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