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  1. Alice and Answers next TALE REVISION mini!!

    Aqui estamos de nuevo con las novedades del primer del mes de año 2010. Esperamos que os gusten!!!!
    Empezamos con un nuevo personaje de Ron&Bones, el pequeño grumete malicioso grumete Jimmy Jokins, seguro que os hará un buen servicio a bordo de vuestra tripulacion.
    Jimmy Jokins:
    Diseño Ivan Gil
    Escultura Ivan Santurio.
    Pintura miniart productions.Aqui teneis unas fotos de la escultura

    Para terminar, cerramos el mes por la puerta grande. ...
  2. Hook painted by Wappellious

    Hiii there guys!!! I have been speaking with Jim for a while and finally here it is!!! his version of our talerevision HOOK!!! Thanks Jim! enjoy
  3. Kenjiro, Lissete and Pellejo Bill

    Hello guys, it has been a long time since my last post. I have been really busy this time...but now i have some time :-) Diseño Miniartproductions (Pedro Nuñez) Escultura Simon Remis Pintura Miniart Productions (Arsies). Encarte: Perfil:   And Lissete, notice her small wings attached at her back. Some photos from Lissete!!!   More photos from Kenjiro: take care!!
  4. Ron & Bones new miniature game info

    Hi there!!Massive update hahaha Some of you may notice we will release our own miniature´s game pretty soon so I will update my blog usually the next weeks with images, minis, info and pics about it like now.We spent all our time of the last two years working in this project with great proffessionals for rule book, card games, illustrators and graphic designs, painters las JMPN and ME :-)....So there you have more info about the game I hope you will find interesting :-)Click on the pic to ...
  5. TALE of WAR september new releases

    Hello!Once again Tale of War miniatures releases new miniatures for this month of September.
    Hope you like them all and you will enjoy as muchas as we did designing, sculpting and painting them. You can also see the new miniatures in our web site with additional information:
    www.taleofwar.comIn addition, we present our own miniature and card game!! An innovate and original game you can see here:RON&BONES!!!
    www.ronandbones.comDoubts and advices are always welcome: ...
  6. New TALE of WAR releases for monday 1 of Sept.

    Dear guys!!Today I will fly away with my girlfriend all the weekend when I will write the presetation for monday of our new releases!!!I believe those are going to be our best launch of new releases ever done. Amazing! Love all them hahaha.In addition we will release the basic rule book of ROLEAGE as well as a lot of surprises.You can join us in the forum on monay at 20:00 spanish time.CheersSaul
  7. TWO summer Auctions DRYAD and DWARF LORD

    Dear Guys!! A long time since my last auction there. After a while, finally there you have them ready!! :-)     EBAY DRYAD CMON DRYAD   EBAY Dwarf Lord CMON DWARF
  8. Reaper Dryad WIP

    Deear guys!! This one is my current project. I am following an illustration scheme of colours I found surfing the web.       Hope you like it!!!comments and suggestions are welcome,Saul 
  9. Fotos curso pintura Castelldefels

    Hola chicos!Aqui os subo las dos fotos del curso que tengo :-)Espero que os haya sido útil y lo aprobecheis a fondo. Ya sabeis, el curso ha sido como un bocadillo de jamón serrano, yo os doy el bocadillo y ahora os toca a vosotros rumiarlo y comerlo :-) Pero no os atraganteis ;-)De izquierda a derecha: DIDAC, DANI, YO, DAVID (Davanna), DAVID, XOSEY nos falta Ronald que hizo la foto. Saludos a todos desde el norte y ya sabeis, teneis mi telefono y mail de contacto ;-)
  10. ROLEAGE game New Miniatures

    This last week of july arrives with a lot of news and surprises. As we have been advising for the last couple of weeks, TALE of WAR will start to promote and release miniatures for the new Spanish role game ROLEAGE This game has a lot of new and fresh ideas, histories and background to play with. Our first bunch of 4 releases of this surprising and enjoyable game are suitable for the world of Geos, where this role game is being developed. As well, all those products have their ...
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