Well as a little piece and for a competition i painted a goblin hero from avatars of war range. The models are so detailed and this was rather nice to paint aswell. Took me about 3-4 days and i kept the base quite simple so i could integrate him into my night goblin army as a hero or champion. Anyway here are the pics:
It has been a while since i've worked with metallics and i need to definately work more with my contrast with it in general. After using NMM for so long my metallics look a little flat and maybe i need to introduce more use of inks and washes to the metallic surfaces. One other hindrance i've had is that since you know im lazy at taking photos and in general mine aren't the greatest but taking pics of metallics is even more difficult i have found. I wanted to keep the model quite ...
Ok so i haven't posted anything new in a while only due to sheer idle and laziness. But i have been busy when it comes to painting, i decided i was getting quite bored with rank and file models especially the goblin spider riders, they were looking at me with those evil gobbo eyes begging me to paint them or die a horrible death through sharp pointy stabby stick.So i finished off the squig herd unit of 30 models (or 2 x 15 models). Overall im very happy with each individual model and ...
Well after a long break from painting and finding a job i finally found time and motivation to finish the dwarf miners and i even finished a unit of 20 night goblin archers ! Overall im happy with both units, the dwarves especially. I found with the goblin archers you get from the battle for skull pass boxed set that they aren't very interesting at all so i was a bit stumped with how to add a bit more colour to them. Im content with the banner bearer but i think i'll replace ...
Well after completing the 2nd miner and my standard bearer, which took me ages btw. I have still low motivation in painting at the moment, maybe i need a change of pace or a break from painting. Since i know i want to paint more i decided i must be crazy and need a change from army building, so i dug out a couple phoenix lords and i will paint one of them. But the question is which one? Also i gotta prep the base to make them more interesting, <milliput at the ready> i finally ...
Well after 1 day of being lazy and just watching some anime (Heroic Age - very cool series with lots of fighting and big mecha) i managed to spark up some motivation to paint the dwarf miners i have, eventually completing one and about 70% done on a second. Keeping them in the same uniform as the dwarven warriors but giving them slightly less gold on their armour and more silver metal the first one turned out quite well (on the left of the photo). The second one is slowly getting there, still the ...
Well here is the completed dwarf thane, i was a little bit skeptical about using red on the dragon parts of his helm but they work well to pick out the model and they match his cloak nicely so yay looks good to me. Trying to keep him in a similar uniform with the dwarf warriors i painted and i gave him a grey beard to signify his age and experience to become a thane. The cloak gave me some problems where i blended up from scab red> blood red>hints of fiery orange and skull white but the end ...
Well i finally decided to start on another character and as always i spend alot longer on a character model than a normal soldier. Im pretty happy with the overall look at the moment, but i cant really decide on a colour scheme for the dragon'ey bits on his helm, im thinking a red/orange colour to go with the cloak. Obviously i have to finish the weapon and part of the helm, but i think im going to add some sort of extra fancy design on the cloak, maybe some runic pattern or celtic knot. Not sure ...
Well i've finally completed another regiment of night goblins. The blue shields work well in contrast with my first night goblin regiment. I also tried for the first time in my life a rust effect on the standard bearer. Im not usually one to paint weathering effect on a model since i've always liked sparkly clean armies but this turned out rather well i feel, i might try more weathering effects on other things, we shall see. But generally im very happy with my regiment, now onto more dwarves ! then ...
Battle For Skull Pass, The Beginning. Well i've always wanted some fantasy battle models, somehow i love the rank and file and nicely lined up regiments plus i wanted to start learning the rules too. What better way than to get the battle of skull pass boxed set GW are doing. I started painting the models and trying to think of colour schemes ...
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