Hey, I'm just startingout making a space wolvs army. where do you find all the acess. like wolf pelts and etc. to add to your figures?.. great work by the way! thanks
Check out www.smartmaxblog.com a french company which is all resin models. The model is from the smog1888 range, they have very good models and a very distinctive style which is a nice fresh taster.
very neat sculpt! who is the sculptor/manufacturer? The sign board is really nicely done and is very convincing. The browns on his suit look well done as well, though a bit hard to get a good idea at this size photo. Neat piece. :)
Thanks guys for the nice comments and following the army wip, glad you like it :)
Nice NMM, the whole scheme is very picturesque. I like it. :)
Nice mini. I don't know whether it is good or not, but photos look like illustrations from a book. I like small green glasses especially
You will have one heck of a gorgeous army if you can keep this up - beautiful work.
Nice! I like the fact that you've actually chosen the tzentch blue/gold color theme. I have never seen terminators painted that way before. And the banner is very nice as well.
Cheers dude lol, i had fun painting this guy, im not usually keen on metal models but this one was great. ;)
pintas como el orto
I've not seen this blog before, but I just thought you should know that this mini took my breath away (o: If I had to offer any sort of critique of it I'd probably pick up the highlighting on the red of the cloak - maybe it's a little harsh could it be washed a little to tie in more with the book and loin section? Then it would look more matt which would be a nice counterpoint to the (superb) blue nmm. Ditto the scrolls on the banner - maybe a little less contrast would make the writing more legible? Lastly and most significantly, the base doesn't actually add anything to the model at the moment, maybe think how you can get a bit of background into the model with a different (not necessarily much larger) base. Then he's a real marine with the hundreds of years experience that we know him to be as well as a tour de force in how to paint exquisite miniatures.. Purely personal opinion of course, I wanna say again that I really love the model dude, it's awesome! James
looks great! the red cape looks a bit shiny...may be the photo though. keep it up. uber
looking really cool :) love the blood and skull base
Good job on the cylindrical highlighting... not often done correctly.
hiya, the purple is done by starting with black (i used vallejo matt black) and progressively added liche purple. I watered down the whole mix with each successive addition of liche purple. When i hit pure liche purple i added very small amounts of vallejo matt white until it was a 1:1 mix as my final highlight, im tempted to take it up to pure white on the extremes but i think it will take the colour away so im keeping it rich and dark. I hope this helps. m00 (Arctica)
Hey mate. I keep in touch with peoples blogs and I really love me some Warmachine. This is looking great! How did you paint the purple?
Thanks for the comment, the base slabs are made of cork board from any local modelling supplier, it was about £9 for a huge mat of the stuff. I didn't want to go with the norm of lava with the bases so i figured tzeentch are usually surrounded by magical energy and the purple would be a nice colour, altho i need to add a little purple to the stone showing a bit of a glow effect.
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