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Welcome to Ginfritter's Gnomish Workbench. Keep up to date with the latest News and Events from featuring new, soon to be released terrain, decals and miniatures as well as personal modeling projects.

  1. Warstore Weekend at the Crowne Plaza, NJ

    Matt, Mike and myself were invited to attend the Warstore Weekend in NJ this weekend. I have taken shots of several events and activites at the show. a lot of familiar faces and new faces have stopped by the booth.
  2. Cornan

    Cornan, the mascot of Con on the Cob - Northeast Ohio's most of the cob convention! Creator of Savage Worlds Low Life RPG and Illustrator Andy Hopp created Cornan, the Mascot for the con, Sandra Garrity sculpted this mini and I painted this wild fellow up. We now have this mini available for sale at the Armorcast online store. Below is the mad creator, Andy Hopp, sporting Cornan.
  3. Medium ScrapTech Tire Piles

    After I modeled the first tire pile I knew I needed a few more designs to round out the collection. I started on two medium piles of tires. Each will give partial cover for 28mm miniatures and difficult terrain to move over. The models need a few more finishing touches before it will be ready for mold making.
    I have several other designs planned for the Scraptech tire series. I can say that a pile of burning tires are in the works as well and tire barriers. Comments and suggestions are always ...
  4. New Terrain for a New Armorcast Blog

    Welcome to Ginfritter's Gnomish Workbench. I am the Vice President of Armorcast since Matt and i purchased the company from Tim back in 2007. Over the past three years we have brought back all of the favorite terrain pieces, added new designs as well as expanding into a full fledge miniatures company.
    To start off this new blog I am introducing our new line of ScrapTech Terrain. There will be a wide range of post apocolyptic buildings and terrain features available for 28mm tabletop miniature ...

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