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Painting and Modelling


    And now to disappoint everyone who clicked here:Open question - what music makes you so unbelievably happy? I've got some ELO and can't stop singing Mr Blue Sky even when there's something else playing.
    Painting and Modelling ,
  2. Realisation in film and Directors: On Kubrick

    Don't you love it when you have sudden realisations? I've only seen a few Kubrick films (his most famous, I need to catch some of the lesser known stuff) and I was browsing through some pics from his films in a group on facebook.. and it hit me. This guy made 2001, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, and Dr. Strangelove. How many other people have such legendary resumes?! Will anyone ever match his brilliance with cinema? The only names that come to mind are Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, Scorcesse, and ...
    Painting and Modelling ,
  3. Re-Cap: The Past 2 Days

    NOTE -- THE REST OF THIS BLOG ISN'T NEARLY AS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS AS THIS FIRST PARAGRAPH, WHICH WE HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE IS EXAGGERATION -- Two days and 1 hour ago, there I sat, in front of a bright, bright monitor. It watched my every move, the finger's tapping on the pearl-white keys, unknowning of the monitor's watchful glare. A small centipede drags it's 22mm body up the wall adjacent to the computer screen, and I watch before gleefully snatching it in a Kleenex. I feel it's miniscule form ...
    Painting and Modelling ,

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