Had a busy last few days with hospital visit and prep day so got a fair bit done. Main works were the command squad getting Bone colour done and the main details blocked out: I also made up some cork piece bases, these will become painted to represent stone ...
Well after being invited to a 2K tournament in April, i have had to pull the proverbial out and get cracking on the 30+ terminators that need converting and painting. I have been wanting to make a deathwing army for a good couple of years, grabbing bits n pieces as i saw them and working out how to fit them into my force. It started mainly as i always wanted to do an interesting Belial conversion, instead of the usual Lysander with arm swap etc. So by ...
Hi folks, I have not been on my blog for a while as i have been having a bit of a bad time of it with my Cronh's disease and not had the impetus to paint. However over xmas i bought myself the GW ultimate paint set, finally GW have released a paint set that tidies away easly and is easy to find paints at a glance. so i plumped for it. Having every colour at hand is very liberating and i have been playing with diff colours i have not normally used, along ...
Well after a good few months i have finished my Duel entry and an looking forward to taking it to GD in 2 weeks. Its been a great learning experience and i have pushed myself where i didnt think i would.
Completed the base apart from tidying the sides that will be black. Composition looks good, i was aiming for having the figures the draw to the eye, so the base is muted and enclosed, this is more in line with the duel rules as i read them, and as a first attempt i hope the composition draws some attention. ...
Well i am working away on the other half of the duel, the farseer. I have gone for a predominantly red scheme to give a good sense of two opposing forces. Hopefully it will stand out a bit. This is what i have so far: ...
Well i painted up my first mini of my grey knights, and as the poster boy for the army i chose a halberd wielding terminator. Using a guide from Garfy on Tale of many painters Blog i ended up with this: http://www.coolminiornot.com/304214 Quite liking the blue note to the armour, but i have seen another way of doing the armour that has a more grey look. Will update once i have completed the other great task, my space wolves
Hi all, i hope you like my blog space, i am basically going to use it as a spring board for conversation, discussion on painting or conversions and anything else that tickles my fancy.I have posted some pics of my most recent work, the dark angels, and i am about to start a WIP log of three Chaos terminators i am converting, it is either going to be a nurgle lord and 2 bodyguards, or 3 seperate Nurgle lords, i am not sure at the moment!Pics to follow tonight once i get home from work.
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