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Tabletop Gaming

  1. DW command squad

    Had a busy last few days with hospital visit and prep day so got a fair bit done.

    Main works were the command squad getting Bone colour done and the main details blocked out:

    I also made up some cork piece bases, these will become painted to represent stone ...
  2. Deathwing!

    Well after being invited to a 2K tournament in April, i have had to pull the proverbial out and get cracking on the 30+ terminators that need converting and painting.

    I have been wanting to make a deathwing army for a good couple of years, grabbing bits n pieces as i saw them and working out how to fit them into my force.

    It started mainly as i always wanted to do an interesting Belial conversion, instead of the usual Lysander with arm swap etc.

    So by ...
  3. Happy new year!

    Hi folks,

    I have not been on my blog for a while as i have been having a bit of a bad time of it with my Cronh's disease and not had the impetus to paint.

    However over xmas i bought myself the GW ultimate paint set, finally GW have released a paint set that tidies away easly and is easy to find paints at a glance. so i plumped for it.

    Having every colour at hand is very liberating and i have been playing with diff colours i have not normally used, along ...
  4. Golden Demon 2012 Finished

    Well after a good few months i have finished my Duel entry and an looking forward to taking it to GD in 2 weeks.

    Its been a great learning experience and i have pushed myself where i didnt think i would.

  5. Too many projects, and i add yet more!

    Well the golden demon entry is almost finished, with lots of help from some very nice folks on the forum (avelorn).

    I have started working on the Grey Knight army i mentioned a few blogs back, just undercoated and sand\slate basing at the moment, but looking to be cracking on with this when i have a week off after a trip to london and Games day.

    I am also expanding my projects into motorbike restoration, i recently bought a rough CBR 400 Honda that is need of lots of ...
  6. Putting the GD entry together

    Completed the base apart from tidying the sides that will be black.

    Composition looks good, i was aiming for having the figures the draw to the eye, so the base is muted and enclosed, this is more in line with the duel rules as i read them, and as a first attempt i hope the composition draws some attention.

  7. Eldar afoot

    Well i am working away on the other half of the duel, the farseer.

    I have gone for a predominantly red scheme to give a good sense of two opposing forces.

    Hopefully it will stand out a bit.

    This is what i have so far:

  8. The start of a new force - Grey Knights

    Well i painted up my first mini of my grey knights, and as the poster boy for the army i chose a halberd wielding terminator.

    Using a guide from Garfy on Tale of many painters Blog i ended up with this:

    Quite liking the blue note to the armour, but i have seen another way of doing the armour that has a more grey look.

    Will update once i have completed the other great task, my space wolves
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