CoolMiniOrNot Forums - Entries for January 2013 - Blogs
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Rose Model Art

  1. Grey Knights progression

    Making progress after finding the painting mojo again after a bout of illness.

    Dug out the box of GK that were mocking me, and armed with my W&N #7's i set too.

    The completed Stormraven came out well, and was the first to set the colour tone for the force, i prefered a darker colour steel, so i was happy to see that it worked well with the contrasting red n white. The heraldry symbol on the side took a lot of fiddling to mask, but the effect looks good. Skulls and ...
  2. Happy new year!

    Hi folks,

    I have not been on my blog for a while as i have been having a bit of a bad time of it with my Cronh's disease and not had the impetus to paint.

    However over xmas i bought myself the GW ultimate paint set, finally GW have released a paint set that tidies away easly and is easy to find paints at a glance. so i plumped for it.

    Having every colour at hand is very liberating and i have been playing with diff colours i have not normally used, along ...

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