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  1. Allsorts...

    Just read a news story about bra’s that have been created with solar panels and they have enough surface area to power an iPod or mobile phone. I think this is an absolutely top idea, I can’t remember how many times I have left the house and realised that I can’t listen to any music because my iPod is dead.
    And it surely beats listening to whining little shites on the metro.

    I’m also covered in midge bites after spending a long weekend in Keswick. It’s ...
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  2. My day.

    It’s been about 2 month since my last blog post, how time flies...

    Had a weird day today. I feel like I have done loads and loads of things, but I haven’t really done that much.
    I can’t even be bothered to send a few emails that I need to send now, I’ll just do it tomorrow. Write this post instead, even though it would probably be better to do it the other way round...priorities and all that.

    Woken up by my dad asking me if I wanted a bacon and ...
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  3. Chunky Wedges Rant...

    O.K so I am annoyed. I'v been bottling this up for to long, and now I have to just let it all out.I HATE McCains potatoe wedges with extra chunk.It's not necassary, what was wrong with just normal sized ones. And to top it off I cannot choose which ones to buy as they have discontinued the regular chuck wedges.Now I love my wedges, coupled with some fish fingers or chicken nuggets they are fantastic. (And before you say I eat like a four year old, think to yourself that really is a great meal, you ...
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  4. Can't Be Bothered...

    Can't really be bothered to formulate a proper blog post, so you can just have todays notes, happy Easter...   
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  5. Techno Fruit

    Was a tad drunk last night and the idea crossed my mind about Techno Fruit, it's what robots would eat to fulfill their 5 a day. But instead of the fruit juices being orange or apple flavored they would be WD40 or petrol flavor.  
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  6. Raisin Eyed Boy

    Got a bit bored today so wrote a poem about a lad who has raisins for eyes.
    There was a boy who had raisins for eyes.
    He missed seeing thing things that would take him by surprise.

    He would cry and sob into his pillow at night.
    Wishing that one day he would wake up with sight.

    His trouble's finally ceased one day at a fair.
    When a bird came swooping down from out of the air.

    And pecked the raisins right out of his head.
    But unfortunately ...
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  7. Big Thumbs

    Was drilling a figure the other day and drill bit snapped and sunk into my thumb. No major damage just stung a little bit when put any pressure on it for about half an hour. This meant my thumb was pretty useless for that time.

    Which got me thinking about evolution and mile stones which have had a massive effect, and I figured possibly the most important was the opposable thumb (if we didn't have them we would be as useless as cats, which are pretty useless to be honest).
    But I never ...
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