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School as WE know it

  1. More things we learned in school... again

    Every time I write in this category I sincerely hope that it will be the last note, yet, alas our school just begging for more... My 6th grader, while going through the characteristic features of things living needs to complete "Life Processes Project". The idea is to illustrate 9 process characteristic of living things. (On the side... we are not in kindergarten, you know, kids in 6th grade should be able to WRITE, not to DRAW). So. I am reading through the list of 9 and all of ...
  2. Observations...

    Kids are growing and as a part of the process they become interested in certain questions… Yesterday, my son, who is 11 had a discussion with a friend of his (also 11) concerning the existence of God. I will refrain from the exact content but something really caught my attention…At some point he asked the guy whether he read the Bible. His friend immediately became very evasive but eventually was pressed into admitting that he did not, never have… but, he said, “my priest ...
  3. Last week...

    Slowly emerging from the ground… Last week could be…. better, so no updates, although I have enough stuff for all my categories. I finally finished a unit of dire avengers that I consider table-top level. While doing it I tried bunch of new techniques to speed things up, for example I did away with traditional highlighting and just glazed everything to create a natural (HA!) gradients. I will post them as soon as collect my residual wits to make pictures. The spawn WIP of which I ...
  4. Why kids hate Science or why I hate multiple-choice tests.

    You know how they teach that scientists aspire to be reasonable and logical creature and how they thrive to be precise in the definition of everything ans so on and so forth... and then kids get this as the test questions in their science textbooks. This is taken from my son's six-grade book. Scientist Use technology to
    a) draw conclusions
    b) recognize problems
    c) solve specific problems
    d) create new theories The expected correct answer is C. ...

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