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Painting and Modelling

  1. GW closes stores in New York

    Well, we saw it coming but still it is sad. We were fortunate to have 4! stores in New York. The first one was closed about a month ago. Another one, on Upper East side will have their last day on November 18th. They will be holding farewell event there on that day, so I think those who live in NYC and play the game should visit, I am sure that they make it worth your while . As for my store (Austin street) we don't know yet when they close it but the sign that this property is available for ...
  2. new project - so far justa base :)

    Started another project, another spawn that I was supposed to paint sometime ago, So far just a base. 
  3. Apocalyptic battle

    This is the second (?) apocalyptic battle played in our local GW store. This time our major eldar army was not present so what you see here is a battle of Xenos alliance (Chaos + tyranids + orks) against Imperial Scum. The Xenos alliance was outpointing the Imperials by almost 1000 points , but Imperials had two Bainblades (that proved to be exceptionally useless) and 6 choices of strategic/ tactical assets including minefields (that proved to be useless as well), several versions of bombardments ...
  4. Dire avengers - almost done

    This is the squad I mentioned yesterday. Comment, suggestions and so on are welcomed and appreciated 1. 2.
  5. Last week...

    Slowly emerging from the ground… Last week could be…. better, so no updates, although I have enough stuff for all my categories. I finally finished a unit of dire avengers that I consider table-top level. While doing it I tried bunch of new techniques to speed things up, for example I did away with traditional highlighting and just glazed everything to create a natural (HA!) gradients. I will post them as soon as collect my residual wits to make pictures. The spawn WIP of which I ...
  6. Mindless quoting without analysis or context - bad

    Ok, Just got back from incredibly boring and pointless “scientific” gathering and run into the CNN material on what Dr. Watson has to say about African intelligence. The original link is here This piece is actually very good example of how media operates. The material contains 664 words of which 44 belonged to actually what was said in the subject. Needles to say that the quote on CNN was taken completely out of context and cannot possibly invoke anything but righteous ...
  7. Our new Nobel winner

    Well, guys I was not sure whether I should react to this or not but the number of comments on concerning Al Gore’s Nobel Prize convinced me that I might as well. So, as you all probably well aware by now Mr. Gore and IPCC shared Nobel Peace prize, the fact that immediately stirred discussion about Gore’s contribution as well as what exactly he is contributing to. There are two, possibly more, sides to the discussion. Some people tend to attack underlying science ...
  8. Electroejaculation is difficult to perform in the rhinoceros

    Well, I know, I know in a true blog you are not supposed to make more then one entry per day per person, but I just couldn't help it. My "Silly side of science" wall just got a new addition. This piece here is dedicated to vet. doctors engaged in new extreme sport (see subj)  So, every time you face seemingly intractable problem please remember, it could be much worse, almost as dificult as performing Electroejaculation in the rhinoceros
  9. Why kids hate Science or why I hate multiple-choice tests.

    You know how they teach that scientists aspire to be reasonable and logical creature and how they thrive to be precise in the definition of everything ans so on and so forth... and then kids get this as the test questions in their science textbooks. This is taken from my son's six-grade book. Scientist Use technology to
    a) draw conclusions
    b) recognize problems
    c) solve specific problems
    d) create new theories The expected correct answer is C. ...
  10. The the most ancient "Mr. smiley face" unearthed

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