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  1. Got my camera back

    Here is my attempt at tyranids. Some more or less random Zoanthrop

  2. Interesting miniature Store

    While being temporarily banished to Albany I stumbled upon great store here. The name of the place is Zombie Planet and it is located at 1238 Central Ave. This place sells miniatures from a number of major lines GW, Epic, Gothic, D&D, Reaper Racham, privateer press and so on and so forth. What was really exciting is that they carry  a number of major paint lines under the same roof - GW, vallejo, both model and game lines; Reaper - both Pro and MAster, and Oh Joy P3!!!. This is actually ...
  3. The joy of matte medium

    So, I decided to nail down my glazing that for quite some time was rather inconsistent. Plus, need to paint 30 dire avengers was also stimulating.  Anyway long story short. I used to use Liquitex glaze medium that did the job yet always created intense shining coat (Dude! can you read? It is GLAZE medium, stupid). So, today I tried matte medium from liquitex. Well, not only the shine is no more, my feeling is that the final result is much better as well. Whenever, I get my camera back I'll ...
  4. Another album added

    It is nice to have vacation. Just added another album and also figured how to configure the layout of albums. Too bad Firefox doesn't like my template. Things are still readable but slightly garbled when you visit the page for the first time. So this is my "Arcane" stuff 
  5. Green Banshee squad - WIP and not so WIP pictures

    Tried to make my first album. I got to admit that from the first try the intrface feels a bit clunky and I with I could actually put thumbnails into 1 column rather then in 2, but here it goes.
    This is my green banshee squad that got HM at Baltimore in 2007
  6. just to start it off

    Q: How many company biotechnologists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Four; one to write the proposal, one to design the bulb-changer, one to
    design the bulb-fetcher, and one to design the bulb.
    Q: How many freelance biotechnologists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: One; he designs the bulb to crawl up the wall, unscrew the old one and
    screw itself in.
    Q: How many evolutionists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Only one, but it ...
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