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  1. [Warmaster][Wood elves][Big Treeman]

    Blast from the past. Spirit of the Forest by Reaper miniatures, 28mm scale. Painted in 2010, all-metal, very heavy. My beloved proxy of treeman. These brutal fists looks contrast near graceful elves.

    Name:  img4b562175290d7 copy.jpg
Views: 12069
Size:  106.2 KB
  2. [Warmaster][Wood elves][28mm Archer]

    28mm wood elf archer by Avatars of War. Oldsсhool metal model, not perfect, nevertheless pleasant to paint. The base completed with a weasel from 'familiars' blister by Otherworld miniatures. Despite my love for small scale, I feel I still can paint 'standard' 28mm miniatures with tabletop gaming level more-less quick (1 day - 1 miniature).

    Name:  07 28mm Archer.JPG
Views: 12247
Size:  324.3 KB

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