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  1. Wyrd's Total Testosterone

    Cheer to all who are participating in yet another great event over at Wyrd.  I hope everyone's entries are going swimmingly as are mine.  I have two in now, and hope to have at least two more done by the deadline.  Sadly, I cannot show them or even hint at what they are, but I can say they are some of my best work yet.  Improving with every mini, regardless of its result has that effect.  I am firm believer these days that as long as you have learned something, its a good ...
  2. Its worse than crack...

    Right, so its been awhile since I blogged here.  My LGS has gotten into the only historical game ever to rear its head there: Flames of War.  For those that don't know this is a WWII game with armies from the US, Britain, Germany, Italy, Soviet Union and others.  The minis are surprisingly well-sculpted and the game is fairly easy to play (if you can play 40k you can play this easy).  In point of fact, after reviewing 5th edition 40k, I am going to go out on a limb here and say ...
  3. Da Orange Crush

    So my LGS owner and I were talking about orks and all things orky, and we were speaking about how we were tired of green.  Not that I have anything against green orks and their various permutations, but green this and green that gets old.  This brought up the subject of when he worked in a T-shirt factory that certain dyes from different regions that were supposedly the same color carried different hues.  He was told that was beacuse different areas had different soil properties that ...
  4. 1985

    1985 is my current readership number.  I guess that is the number of views of my blog.  Thats pretty cool.  People are either bored enough, interested enough, or think I am laughable enough to come a see what I am droning on about.  But the number 1985 hits me like a historic brick.  Let's take a look at the year 1985:You friendly, neighborhood Thunderhawker was 12 years old.
    Ronald Reagan was sworn into a second term.
    "We are the world" was recorded ...
  5. I hate, I hate, I HATE--

    People who are oblivious to the world around them.  This has been a pet peeve of mine for the longest time, and my wife thinks its funny.  But given my background and what the military trained me to do, being aware o what is going on around me is second nature.So, the thing is people just have no idea what is going on outside of their little personal space bubble.  These are the same people who bump into you in the store because they have no clue you are there.  They are the ...
  6. Cats without balls, Wife's birthday, and bad service...

    Okay so the cat has been neutered.  He is a little sore but otherwise none the worse for wear.  He has been very affectionate since coming home, though we have to keep an eye on the puppy so he doesnt squish the kitty's sensitive bits.My wife's birthday was Monday.  She turned 30!  So, in observance of this momentus occassion, her friends decorated our house.  They decorated it with toilet paper and large "30" signs and a banner over the door depicting the grim ...
  7. The cat is getting his manhood cut off

    Actually it was cut out this morning... or would that be they?In any case, I had to take him in yesterday for a checkup before he could get fixed and it turned out we didn't have an animal carrier like we thought we did.  God know where things disappear to.  So I carried him into the vet's office expecting to have to fight with him the whole time.  Wow, was I wrong.  He perched himself buttside out on my shoulder the whole time.  He was terrified.
    And rightly so. ...
  8. While in a book store...

    I was in my local book purveyor's the other day and I overheard a conversation as I was looking at the art books.  There was a couple the next aisle over talking, and the actual conversation went like this (the names have been changed to protect the moronic):Jane:  Hey Tyrone here are true crime books.  You would like these, why not read one?Tyrone (indignant):  Jane, I passed my reading SOL.  I an't got to read no more if I don't wanna.  I ain't gonna read no book ...
  9. ME13 and Filigree

    Well Mini Exchange 13 has arrived and its my first.  I suppose I technically should have been flagged, but I am pretty active on the forums so I guess that was overlooked (and is appreciated).  But… I drew a flagged guy who shall remain nameless.  I hope he is legit, as I really don’t want anyone to get skipped.  Unfortunately, he has only one post (his sign up to the ME) and no posted pics, though I only have 2 ATM myself.  I could add more but I don’t ...
  10. NMM is kicking my butt

    I love the way its working so far but my god, its work intensive.  I am a slow painter anyway but dayum.  The worst part is I am looking at the models I have primed or in some form of WIP, and wow, I need to stop assembling and start painting.  I have something like 2500 (possibly more) points of black templars in various states of primage and paintage.  This of course doesnt count anything I haven't assembled yet, though they may go to my Imperial Torches chapter that goes ...
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