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  1. A finished model?! No friggin way!

    In what's pretty typical for me, I broke away from the assembly line after a few hours and took a couple of models much further than the rest. One of them, a rank and file model, I fully completed to see how the color scheme would work out in the end. I'm pretty happy with the guy, especially when you consider the unit went from primer black to this stage in a single sitting.It's definitely a speed-painting job, which I normally don't do, but honestly I'm adding models to an army that I started ...
  2. WTF took you so long?

    Yep, I know it's hard to believe but I actually finished a model! My first one since Games Day, as sad as that is. I pretty much coasted all summer, lost motivation for any army projects, got sidetracked by a University semester with 5 senior-level Comparative Literature courses, had a bit of an existential funk for a while, and suffice it to say none of this was conducive towards painting miniatures. Enough talk, here's the pics!When the new Space Marine stuff came out a few months ago, I picked ...
  3. Ork Prospektor up for votes

    Like the title says, I've now got the Nazgrub model up for voting. Thanks for the votes and comments so far, it's good to hear people like him! Click here if you want to vote.
  4. Games Day rocked my socks off

    Hey guys, I'll be home tonight so I can post some pics and stuff later. But for now, I'll just say how much fun I had in Toronto, and at Games Day. Met some cool people, got some cool swag, had an awesome visit with my old friend Jay Griffiths (head of retail Canada), and walked away with 4 trophies.The Ork got gold in 40k single, which I was amazed to learn. That was one tough category, with 13 extremely solid finalists. Some great models didn't see the podium. Arwen, my Warrior Priest ...
  5. GD Canada in less than 24 hours!

    It's pretty crazy, but Games Day is this Saturday. I feel pretty good about what I'm bringing down. Sadly the Dragon couldn't make the trip, it was taking damage from my last minute transportation attempts. As far as entries go, I'll be taking down Arwen, my Blood Ravens captain, Warrior Priest, and a couple of random regiments from my gaming collection will be entered in the Squad/Regiment categories. All those have been seen already. But this guy is new! When I get back home I'll post a ton ...
  6. Is it time for GD Canada already?!

    Wow, the last few days have been a blur. Tons of painting, and everything else hobby related trying to get ready for the Golden Demons. I've got a tiny bit of work I still want to do before I call my entries finished, but the main ones are all polished up and I'm happy about that. Packing the Dragon is still a concern! He/they might not make the trip if I can't find a way to get them on carry-on intact. Pics of the new models are forthcoming, I swear!At the event, I'll be wearing a bright green ...
  7. Mounted Daemonettes on eBay

    Just a quick blurb about my auction. I'm selling 8 of the lovely Juan Diaz mounted daemonettes right now. GW foolishly discontinued them right after releasing 2 army books that require the models. New models will hopefully be out within a year... in the mean time you can buy mine since I won't be playing Slaanesh any time soon!You can find them here. These models are all virgin pewter, 5 still in blisters and the other 3 are loose bare metal. They have never been built, painted or played with. Most ...
  8. Work continues...

    Still slaving away at my Golden Demon entries. Got the 40k Single entry nearly finished, at which point I'll probably spiff up some Wood Elf units/characters for entry in other categories. I'll never get the new ones finished on time :-D The other categories are still up in the air though, I have way more single figs finished than I can enter, and I don't know which 40k Squad I will be able to get done on time. Hopefully I'll be able to enter something, 40k's so much fun for painting contests. Lots ...
  9. You know you've been painting a long time when...

    After a marathon painting session this evening, my tongue's turned a lovely shade of green/brown/black. I'm a proud brushlicker, and I did a lot of work tonight :-D My main entry for GD Toronto (which will be revealed in a few days when it's finished) is probably about half done at this point. The scenic base is done, the skin, nails/teeth, and some of the cloth is done too. Not bad at all for a single day's work. I'm hoping he'll be done by Thursday night. I usually don't make deadlines I post ...
  10. Zomg I think I'm in trouble!

    It just dawned on me that I am leaving for Games Day in 9 days. I still haven't started my 40k Single entry (my "main" entry), and I haven't quite sorted which of my many many many almost finished painted minis to enter in the other categories. I have a ton of painting to do, I should really put away the gaming figs for a while!Lol I'm really good at keeping track of time aren't I? :-D
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