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  1. I hate drill bits, but I love Sisters of Battle

    Yep, I've broken 5 bloody drill bits in about 10 days I reckon. I've pretty much reduced myself to a handful of drill bits the width of a human hair, and another handful that are way too big to be useful. Lovely huh? Oh, and I've got several throbbing puncture wounds in my left hand as well. The last one dug in about 8mm I would imagine. I do have a pic to show off though, my alt color scheme Canoness. The HQ will have the all-metal look to them, and if I get super lazy then all the rank and ...
  2. Ready to prime!

    First off, I just noticed the other day that my blog has quickly become the #2 most visited blog on Coolminiornot. Thanks to everyone who has emailed, commented, and PM'ed me over the last few months. It's great to have people following and supporting my efforts. After a lot of hours cutting, drilling, pinning and gluing I think I'm just about ready to prime the rest of my initial 1000 points or so worth of Sisters of Battle minis. The Exorcist and a handful of older minis are still in various ...
  3. Road trip weekend!

    Should be a wicked fun weekend. Tom (phesmic) and myself are driving down to Blackfalds to visit the legendary Glyn "Zaphod" Evans. He's so hip he has trouble seeing over his pelvis!Should be good times, we'll be judging a GROTS painting contest followed by some combination of guitars, alcohol and paint brushes. I'm looking forward to it, that's for sure. I might use the time to finish the Fallen Angel model I've had WIP for ages... the Sisters are already getting enough attention and ...
  4. Sisters coming along nicely

    I'm really having some fun converting and placing these Sisters of Battle on urban rubble style bases. It's the same basic plan as the Blood Ravens bases: cork for concrete, help from the bitz box and plasticard for making fallen beams, pipes and lots of tank accessory bitz for random junk on the ground.I'm really liking them so far, and I haven't even added the sand or the spent shell casings on the ground yet (1.2mm plastic rod chopped up to approximately bolter shell size). It's a pretty laborious ...
  5. The price of progress...

    Well if you take a look at my hand, you can tell how much modelling I've done the last day or two. My thumb is criss-crossed with hundreds of tiny cuts from Xacto blades, and is missing a few decent meaty chunks. Very little blood, though, which is always a plus! I'm also sporting a nice fat blister on my index finger from drilling out several dozen pewter bolter muzzles. Knurled aluminum sucks after a few hours :-PI'm gonna try to base as many Sisters as possible in the next few days, probably ...
  6. Dryad progress (finally)

    Not enough to warrant a photo just yet, but some work has been done on the unit for the first time in a few weeks. The display base thing is finished, save for the static grass/clump foliage/leaf scatter type stuff. I have to see what I can get my hands on before doing the forest floor texture. Some decent autumn leaves would be nice, I just don't know where to get them :-DOn the models themselves, I'm done all the metallics, not that there was much to begin with. Up next I'll probably do the bases, ...
  7. Sisters of Battle test figure

    Hey guys, been a while since I updated anything. I was a bit burned out after finals/term papers at the end of the semester, and have spent most of my time sleeping, playing video games and trying to get back in shape rather than painting. Re-doing my bedroom had something to do with it as well, I no longer have the space for both a computer desk and a painting desk. I'm currently experimenting with a computer desk buried in hobby supplies, time will tell if this solution can work.This is the ...
  8. Display base for Dryads

    This was a lot more fun than I thought! I built a display base/movement tray for the Dryad regiment. I used a 99 cent wood thingy from a craft store, and carved up several pieces of balsa wood to accomodate the bases. The tops of the bases are almost exactly the right level to match the stand, it looks really nice in person when you can get a better sense of depth. Same as before, click the image for a bigger/clearer shot.Tom one-upped me for the day's work though, he's got the core of a Necron ...
  9. Dryads ready to paint

    I'm pretty excited to paint this next unit up for my Wood Elves. They each represent a couple hours worth of hacking, pinning, filing, gap filling, etc. and I think the result matches the fluff better than the trees with boobs from the plastic kit.Click the image to view the 800 pixel version in a new window. You can see the details way better.
  10. How I spent my Sunday night

    Yep. Finals around the corner (Wednesday) and 3 term papers due in the next 10 days, and I spend my entire Sunday evening setting up my home theatre in a new room and with a new stand. I never want to strip a speaker wire ever again... but I will in a few days once I have somewhere to mount the rear speakers. Not looking forward to it.
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