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  1. Man it's been a long time.......

    <span style="font-size: 7.5pt; font-family: verdana">Let's see.&nbsp; What's happened in my life since I last blogged?<p>&nbsp;</p></span><span style="font-size: 7.5pt; font-family: verdana">The holidays generally blew chunks&rsquo;.&nbsp; I had NO Thanksgiving and Christmas (also my birthday) I worked until midnight EVEN THOUGH WE HAD A BOMB THREAT and the upper management decided not to evacuate the building.&nbsp; New Years ...
  2. It's Been A While

    <p>Hello all!&nbsp; It's been a while since I updated my blog so I figured I'd let you all in on the inner workings of the horror show that is my mind.</p><p>Let's see, where to start?.,....I didn't finish my mini for the Ebay group this month.&nbsp; I ended up hating the thing and just couldn't find the motivation to get it done on time.&nbsp; I'm going to finish it, though, and sell the thing on Ebay just so I can say I finished it but so I don't ever have to look ...
  3. It all worked out fine but we had a scare.

    <p>Okay, it was brought to my attention that I haven't updated since Mr C's hearing on his disability.&nbsp; He won but we won't br seeing any of the money for it until February.&nbsp; That's cool though.&nbsp; It means as soon as we have official word of the verdict Mr C can start re-training.</p><p>The whole ting did depress him some.&nbsp; The judge asked him some questions and then officially stated the medical limitations of his issues.&nbsp; &quot;He ...
  4. For once it wasn't too bad

    <p>So, in case you read by last blog, the scheduling worked.&nbsp; We only had 1 small issue with the computer and I won that one.&nbsp; In fact, it was probably the best weekend I've had in a while.&nbsp; Still not what I'd like it to be but comfortable at least.&nbsp; </p><p>Wen's was great.&nbsp; I didn't get as much painting done as I wanted but I made a good start on a couple of things.&nbsp; Wen is always a blast to be around and we brainstormed on ...
  5. Pre-emptive whining

    <p>So I'm heading into another weekend after a rather rough one last week.&nbsp; I dread weekends and the lack of a routine.&nbsp; We'll see how this one goes.&nbsp; I've tried to plan it a bit so I can have just a smidge of control this time.&nbsp; Here's what I'm planning;</p><p>Saturday.....</p><p>Up at 0630 and on the web to see what my friends in the UK are up to.&nbsp; Hi guys!&nbsp; Gotta check Cmon and the Ebay group so I can smack talk ...
  6. Another weekend finally over

    <p>I've said it before and I'll say it again, I hate weekends.&nbsp; Mind you, I', not really in love with my job and want to get there as soon as possible, but the weekends are becoming more and more difficult.&nbsp; With Alex a month away from becoming an official adult but not yet out of school and Mr C bridling at the constraints of his physical limitations things have been getting increasingly tense.&nbsp; More often than not it's easier not being in the house.</p><p>But ...
  7. On to the next competition

    <p>Hello all!&nbsp; So I won the Ebay competition and Poor Highbulp Billy lost.&nbsp; He gets to pick the next theme.&nbsp; I wonder what it will be?&nbsp; What ever it is I think I'll do another WIP of it.&nbsp; I like the feed back, it keeps me focused and my friend Wendy the lurker gets to see what I'm doing and read all your comments, which she really likes.&nbsp; Say hi to her if you post to me.&nbsp; She'll get a kick out of it.</p><p>My family ...
  8. My Brother has been found

    Well, my brother and his family are safe and sound with no loss of property.&nbsp; I got in touch with his office finally and they said he was evacuated and won't be able to get back to his house until tomorrow so he's still out of touch.&nbsp; Thanks for everyone who responded to me and emailed me.&nbsp; You're all wonderful people!
  9. I can't get hold of my brother

    <p>As you may know, The San Diego area is being hit by one of the biggest fires in California history.&nbsp; My brother lives in Escondido, a suburb of San Diego that's being hit hard.&nbsp; My Dad called me an hour ago asking that I keep trying to call my brother.&nbsp; He lives in the evacuation zone.&nbsp; No one's heard from him or his family for 2 days.&nbsp; He has a wife and 3 daughters.&nbsp; Please keep him in your thoughts.&nbsp; </p><p>I normally ...
  10. I finally finished one!

    <p>I finally finished&nbsp;a whole mini.&nbsp; I paint slow.&nbsp; I just can't seems to call something done.&nbsp; That's why I do competitions.&nbsp; I have a deadline and have to call something done by a certain date.&nbsp; In this case it was a mini for a small monthly competition at a group on Ebay.&nbsp; I'm especially pleased with this one because the whole thing gelled so easily.</p><p>What some people don't know (those who have followed the ...
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