Hey everyone, long time no update but I figured with work being as busy as it is right now I'm best off using the time updating this blog on the models. So here is my progress so far... I've attached most of the shoulders with blue tac so you guys can see what they're going to look like, I've pretty much completely finished the Dark Templar (Who would of thought he'd be the first done right?), I've even completely attached his shoulders, I just need to greenstuff the join of his wrist ...
Sorry for not posting regularly lately, I've either been busy or finished so late I had to go strait to bed as opposed to write this blog (like last nights 2am bed time...). I've been doing a few things lately, one of which is I finally got some robes on my Dark Angels Marine! I think they've turned out pretty good though I still need to put a rope around his waist so they aren't quite finished just yet. I've also added some ...
Tonight I worked on the stomach details, I think they look pretty good. There are some I'll add a little more detail tomorrow when it's fully cured but all in all the base of what they'll all look like is there. Getting close to finishing them now... Black Shield Black Templar Custom Marine Imperial Fist ...
So I was home sick today and managed to get a bit done between naps, I pretty much concentrated on the stomach area. When creating the stomach it's best to do a smooth bottom layer before adding the details like cables ect. This is what I've done today... And I've managed to get the belt and stomach on my Space Wolf model so he's caught up to the rest of them. =D Tomorrow after training I'll start working on ...
Hey guys. Didn't get a great deal of spare time today so I got next to nothing done. All I managed to do was attempt to get a part of the heavy bolter backpack neater, I added two thin wires to the top of my staff I'm making and put thin layers over one side of the Space wolves thunder hammer... I'm contemplating making the head of the hammer larger and solid. I'm thinking of making it like a large chunk of stone has been cut out and reinforced with metal straps around it to keep it together ...
I only managed to get just over an hour to continue this today, but pretty much all the greenstuff work on the backpacks is done. All that's left on them is any extra details I may want to add, like a skull or a symbol of some sort. I put a thin plate on top of the backpacks because I think it makes them look neater and slightly taller. Check out the picks below. This is my attempt at sculpting flames as an icon. For my Salamander Marine. ...
Hey everyone, sorry for not posting at all the past week, I haven't had a chance to get a great deal done so had nothing to post. But I've put in several hours after work today and this is what I managed to do. First of all I started filling in the gaps in the backpacks and adding a bit of personality to some of them. You need to take your time with this as it is important to get the join as neat as you can. ...
Tonight I've been trying to finish off the backpacks, once again I didn't get as much as I would of liked due to working late, but I've only got one left to go and the heavy bolter backpack is half way finished. Then I just need to tidy them up with greenstuff and add some personality and the backpacks will be done. I've cut the heavy bolter backpack down the centre and made a mould of one of the front sides and filled it with greenstuff so it should be ready for tomorrow after footy training, I'm ...
Sorry I haven't been posting on here guys, I've had a busy busy weekend and haven't really done anything worth mentioning. But tonight I knuckled down for the last few hours and managed to get all the arms ready to go. I clipped away the bulky terminator shoulder join and with my scalpel shaved away the excess to make it neater. Most of the arms I think I should just about be able to put strait onto the torso with minimal greenstuff work. Though I still need to attach that disc to the elbow of the ...
All except for one anyway... The Custom Marine is proving slightly more difficult than the rest, I've had to fill the gap to just below the surface and when that has hardened tomorrow I'll go over it again and finish it off. I'm sculpting the collar up higher on the sides so it looks like a full ring around his head. I found a picture today that has given me inspirations for how I want him to look... Naturally it wont look much like this picture, but I'll likely take parts from it and incorporate ...
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