Simply wow
11.5 out of 10
Me too man... Me too...
Looking snappy! Can't wait to see the devastator marine done up.
Thanks man. Had some good advice from a good mate.
The custom marine's robes look great dude! Very unique.
Sorry about the dark parts in the pictures, I didn't realise till I'd already posted. Damn flash...
Not a bad idea at all man. I like it. Thanks.
The production line is coming along really well dude. The green stuff work is very smooth. As for the head I say go for it. There is never such a thing as too far from the marine path. Make up your own chapter to use it with, one with a suitable theme.
Thanks man. He's my favourite too. I got the head on ebay after the model was finished, I saw the red scorpion shoulder and the halberd and knew he had to have a different head. So I went looking and found that. Pretty happy with the outcome.
Looking awesome dude, the Red Scorpion guys is my favourite so far; the helmet and pose makes me all warm inside.
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