CoolMiniOrNot Forums - Entries for July 30, 2012 - Blogs
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Building a True Scale Deathwatch Army

My day by day struggles to build a True Scale Deathwatch Army. I'll do my best to do some work and update every day. I was hoping to have them done by the 24th of August but I think I'll be painting them right up to the night before the Orktoberfest tournament.

Anyway I hope you enjoy.
Please feel free to leave any comments questions and criticism and I'll be sure to reply.

  1. Day 26 - Start of the stomach's

    So I was home sick today and managed to get a bit done between naps, I pretty much concentrated on the stomach area. When creating the stomach it's best to do a smooth bottom layer before adding the details like cables ect. This is what I've done today... And I've managed to get the belt and stomach on my Space Wolf model so he's caught up to the rest of them. =D

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    Tomorrow after training I'll start working on ...

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