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  1. [Warmaster][Wood elves][Big Treeman]

    Blast from the past. Spirit of the Forest by Reaper miniatures, 28mm scale. Painted in 2010, all-metal, very heavy. My beloved proxy of treeman. These brutal fists looks contrast near graceful elves.

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  2. Let's get to know each other!

    Hi all! My name is Vicki, I live in Vietnam and I'm obviously a miniature artist!
    Damn I love my job and I can not live a day without taking up a brush. I really like to make bright and catchy works, but sometimes I'm drawn to something more gloomy =) I play in the era of sigmar with my army of ghosts and vampires, my beloved cat helps me in this, his name is simply Cat .. I think that this is a great name for a cat = )
    Recently I opened a service for painting miniatures, you ...
  3. New project

  4. knight incantor

  5. Thousands Sons - Rubic Marines and Sorcerers

  6. Hello miniworld :)

    Hi all!

    Just a simple say-hallo-type-of-thing
    New year, new ideas, new challenges bla bla bla
    So I figured why not to go outside instagram and see what happens. So here it is, my fist cmon pic: Tzeentch skirmish warband mustered from Silver Tower models.
    Hope you all like it.
    And have a great new year!

    cheers o/
  7. First go at a gaming table

    After watching numerous videos on YouTube, I decided to create a 4x4 gaming table topper for my home. I am learning as I go and have never done anything like this. I would love advice from enthusiasts and hobbyists on better construction materials and ideas for what to do with the wall. I started by building a 1x1 frame.

    Then, I covered the frame with corrugated plastic ...

    Updated 12-29-2018 at 01:25 AM by Dugefreshness

    Warhammer 40K , GW Other , Painting and Modelling , Tabletop Gaming , Warhammer Fantasy
  8. Blood Bowl team Vampires !

  9. KX139 Taunar Supremacy Armour with Battlesuit Commander Shas'o R'alai

    Well I have posted this miniature before but only its WIP states. So this is the final. Pictures were taken by my colleague Peter, so enjoy and

    Stay punk !
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  10. Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

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