YES IM BACK AND ABIG PAIN in ASS to singe in AAAAEEERRGG may be i post some pis of my new busty bikini girl guard ALL youz are good and be commenting lots your minis but will get back to soon so fore now your ALLsacfe
Hey peeps, If you fancy more images of my work you can always drop it at: which is my portfolio page!
Originally Posted by Vegvísir Paint Hi everyone! Im new here in CMON! My name Is Luca e i'm from italy! Hello back. Welcome. Sorry for a slow response. First time back in years. Nice to see you join up!!
Feel free to be your worst to them, I`ll let them read it Review the pics -XOXO Stacy
Back to painting. Have not painted in significant time.
Updated 08-31-2021 at 01:13 PM by agesintime
well ALLLLLLLLL just had add it my micfalen SPM just had do it but my not be dun looks BLOCHY might add rust and batle DAMIGE TO AND whight knee caps just a thing yes my one a bit of cheat did have di the under coting or take apart yes if did it i brack dam thing thats how all goes when i get stuff might go back and see if have ok the necron but if do find a nuther SPM and is artes proof will might do all over with new one just got see and ...
yes i got a mic falen space maren hes big and blue now and got 3 d shoder pads see logo ahnd i shud do a pic will see you see on my face book at time might do rust and mud efets will see its whas that hard to do just had do it but geting the figger whas hard bit like see who eles got the toy like take to em if play the game but we have a thing hope can get one $ 200 bucks and box set of IGs can be mine hek $ 400 bucks and ...
Hooded evil looking character 36 mm high. Wanted to create a cartoonish looking assassin type. Made of wire, polymer clay and green stuff.
So I bought this so many years ago it wasn't owned by GW or Monday Knight Productions. It is a nice resin piece, but I never liked the doors that came with the original. I am actually in construction, and I work quite a bit on military installations, so naturally I got the idea to make the doors more like the ones I have seen on large aircraft hangers. I bought some polystyrene sheet and started working on it. For structure I cut one large piece ...
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