Hy Everyone! In our last entry i spoke about my Malifaux project, at now i'll show you what is done from them. First of all, these models came from one of my friend, he is a pro painter(approx 8+ here at CMON), but he got tons of models/figures( he says, approx two or three thousand), so he gave me her full Arcanist Faction and said: " Paint it to a good quality, if it's not, you start them from the beginning". So be it, i'll do my best here. Two weeks ago, ...
Updated 08-06-2013 at 03:53 AM by Beerzerks Painting
Hi There! One of my friend gave me some Arkham City stuff from Knight Models to paint out: Bane, Joker and some crew, and Batman. The models are awesome and fine detailed, so it's a pleasure to paint. Bane is now finished, others in various condition. Two crew is assembled, primed, and attached to the base, Joker and the third crew member is in the box right now, and Batman too. I did some picture to you: Finished Bane ...
Updated 08-03-2013 at 07:12 AM by Beerzerks Painting
Right, well I've been away from the paints for over a week now and the withdrawal has been dreadful. I've been in holiday, that thing where you go away and have to have a good time. LIke it or not. I couldn't take my mini's and gear with me so I've just had to withdraw. I took a sci-fi book with me from the Heresey series and as I'm painting Dark Angels it had to be "Descent of Angels". This has duely inspired me, but my anxiety has got so bad recently my shakes are almost uncontrollable. ...
Once again, I'm bothering you with my week's doings. Hope you enjoy the ride as well as I do! First, the basecoat. Once again, I used my easy-to-do rust technique to give some texture to the arm. Then, I started painting some details all over the place. Here's the ammo feeding box and the battle damage details on the main barrel: ...
Magnificent, all colour, 8th edition updates to the unofficial (and FREE) Albion, Amazons, Araby, Estalia and Norse armies. WFB 8th edition army reviews, plus links to ALL 28 of the below pictured FREE unofficial army books.
tell me your thoughts on theses models and whether you would want miniatures of them
I have no clue whether my digitally created miniatures are welcomed here or not, but that is not the point. I will give the pro's and con's of using 3d modeling and printing to create miniatures. pro's: *Eases learning curve for creation of miniatures *3d printing is an expanding field *less time creating a mock up and printed models can be recycled if not wanted *allows for more intricate, detailed, and mind blowing miniatures con's: *spamming of ...
Okay, so I'm pushing on trying to improve. I'm pretty sure that my most recent mini I've posted is my best yet, but I just can't get my cameraphone to translate the way the eye does. I did what I reckon most of us do, and started research. Now the problem I've got is I probably know too much! At least enough to know I haven't got a clue. This took me back to a conversation I had with my step dad. It was about developing in art, how the only way, in his opinion, ...
Updated 07-25-2013 at 05:46 AM by Deniska
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