I just finished my Sepulchral Warden last night. I did some research on the OSL idea to make the mini more stand out. I think about the horror movie that had the green light effect grow from below. Moreover, I would like the make it more interested by using red light from eyes socket to contrast the color from green. The OSL effect, I used glaze color from Citadel. In order to make the inside the socket more bright is using the white color before glazing ...
whell all you see all dun on the tube that redgreen09 and other things like SPMs scouts with sniper guns my bodage punk rock IGs and some fun glow in dark scetens i did as give whay and yes plain on doing a re do on slimer in litter green see all the tube yes short one but real lie is cailng and got do things
peek pictures here - Full Gallery here STAY PUNK !
This is just a peek picture, I haven't done a gallery yet. I will create it shortly :-) Promise.
Finally Games Workshop had published an official list of base sizes for their AoS range of miniatures in their last FAQ, including old Warhammer ones. So I decided to update my previos conversion table, with relations between Age of Sigmar bases and previos Warhammer rectangular bases and sizes, and the adapter/converter from SOLO ediciones to use both without removing neither. AND I INCLUDE FORGEWORLD ONES! Here you are (if not showing, you need to open this post to display the list): ...
Updated 07-26-2018 at 08:50 AM by jlmelladovalle
Updated 07-26-2018 at 06:54 AM by jlmelladovalle (add categories)
yes se em at redgreen09 at you tube and that faboless and bucksem yes have tops on not much of a top but tops yes finaly got dun an bit lazy with feases blue sun glases and red stips fore moths and to have bondage mask on just yelo dot fore a face shud but a zipper down the midel not big enuff but thay lok good and wish had gag balls but cude be we see em at the you tube chanel redgreen09 TTFN
Gallery with all pictures is here Few peak pics below :-) STAY PUNK !
Updated 07-16-2018 at 09:16 AM by Jan from WarGamingMamas
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