This is my captain for a custom Space Marine Legion: Legio Fulminata. The 12th Legion Thunderbolts. ...
Updated 10-22-2023 at 11:14 AM by Cavetroll69
Hi all! My name is Vicki, I live in Vietnam and I'm obviously a miniature artist! Damn I love my job and I can not live a day without taking up a brush. I really like to make bright and catchy works, but sometimes I'm drawn to something more gloomy =) I play in the era of sigmar with my army of ghosts and vampires, my beloved cat helps me in this, his name is simply Cat .. I think that this is a great name for a cat = ) Recently I opened a service for painting miniatures, you ...
Feel free to be your worst to them, I`ll let them read it Review the pics -XOXO Stacy
well ALLLLLLLLL just had add it my micfalen SPM just had do it but my not be dun looks BLOCHY might add rust and batle DAMIGE TO AND whight knee caps just a thing yes my one a bit of cheat did have di the under coting or take apart yes if did it i brack dam thing thats how all goes when i get stuff might go back and see if have ok the necron but if do find a nuther SPM and is artes proof will might do all over with new one just got see and ...
Well Comrades, I thought I'd take a moment to write a little side blog over here on CMON. First up, a little back story - I haven't touched a paint brush in years, but I've been in touch with the gaming/lore side of things for a good while. As a fantasy writer, I've always been interested in the world building side of things. So I'm not a total noob, but on the other hand never developed past a basic stage of painting. This was many years back when I had a job and I kinda went in at ...
So I´ve been at this for a while, trying, failing and stripping a mini maybe 10 times before I set my mind to what I want to do. And along the way I find alot of awsome painters and artists whom show some awsome skills. So inspiration is there alot of. Anyway. Recently I got asked to do some Tutorials, and I´m honored that someone ask for it by me, when I see myself as a medium-skilled painter. So a shou-out to "ageofsquidmar" on instagram for a bunch of good tutorials ...
Full gallery with all pictures can be found here. STAY PUNK !
Hi all! Just a simple say-hallo-type-of-thing New year, new ideas, new challenges bla bla bla So I figured why not to go outside instagram and see what happens. So here it is, my fist cmon pic: Tzeentch skirmish warband mustered from Silver Tower models. Hope you all like it. And have a great new year! cheers o/ Mario
After watching numerous videos on YouTube, I decided to create a 4x4 gaming table topper for my home. I am learning as I go and have never done anything like this. I would love advice from enthusiasts and hobbyists on better construction materials and ideas for what to do with the wall. I started by building a 1x1 frame. Then, I covered the frame with corrugated plastic ...
Updated 12-29-2018 at 01:25 AM by Dugefreshness
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