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  1. [Warmaster][Wood elves][Big Treeman]

    Blast from the past. Spirit of the Forest by Reaper miniatures, 28mm scale. Painted in 2010, all-metal, very heavy. My beloved proxy of treeman. These brutal fists looks contrast near graceful elves.

    Name:  img4b562175290d7 copy.jpg
Views: 12069
Size:  106.2 KB
  2. [Warmaster][Wood elves][28mm Archer]

    28mm wood elf archer by Avatars of War. Oldsсhool metal model, not perfect, nevertheless pleasant to paint. The base completed with a weasel from 'familiars' blister by Otherworld miniatures. Despite my love for small scale, I feel I still can paint 'standard' 28mm miniatures with tabletop gaming level more-less quick (1 day - 1 miniature).

    Name:  07 28mm Archer.JPG
Views: 12247
Size:  324.3 KB
  3. [Warmaster][Wood elves][Characters]

    I know you wait for something very special. Here it comes! Treeman ancient and Noble on... giant owl. Even more stuff is just behind the corner.

    Name:  06 Characters.JPG
Views: 10695
Size:  515.9 KB
  4. [Warmaster][Wood elves][Background]

    Some background for chosen army theme (in fact that's all). Started their journey a long ago, so their colours (and units) are old fashioned. And blue eyes...

    Name:  05 Legend.jpg
Views: 9503
Size:  600.4 KB
  5. [Warmaster][Wood elves][Dryads]

    Default dryads unit. Required by rules, not good in game, nor fit army theme, but very easy to paint. About 2 hours of lazy dry brushing.

    Name:  04 Dryads.JPG
Views: 2898
Size:  520.6 KB
  6. [Warmaster][Wood elves][Scouts]

    WIP Scarloc's scouts. Almost ready except one small owl on the log, waiting for delivery. Skirmishing formation makes them alive, like they move through real wild forest. Logs and stump are from Cast'n'Play.

    Name:  03 Archers.JPG
Views: 1660
Size:  500.5 KB

    Updated 12-01-2022 at 08:16 AM by Forest Elf

    Painting and Modelling , Tabletop Gaming , GW Other
  7. [Warmaster][Wood elves][Archers]

    The first unit of default archers. 12 hours painting from 'primed' to 'ready for basing'. Just fair layering, no washes, no contrasts, no trendy slapchop.

    Name:  02 Archers.JPG
Views: 1227
Size:  685.5 KB

    Updated 12-01-2022 at 08:16 AM by Forest Elf

    Painting and Modelling , Tabletop Gaming , GW Other
  8. [Warmaster][Wood elves][The Lost Kindred WIP]

    The Lost Kindred WIP. At last started painting my favourite loved fantasy faction. Simple oldschool strong colours: green and orange.

    Name:  b-4444.jpeg
Views: 1021
Size:  75.7 KB

    Updated 12-01-2022 at 08:17 AM by Forest Elf

    Painting and Modelling , Tabletop Gaming , GW Other
  9. Let's get to know each other!

    Hi all! My name is Vicki, I live in Vietnam and I'm obviously a miniature artist!
    Damn I love my job and I can not live a day without taking up a brush. I really like to make bright and catchy works, but sometimes I'm drawn to something more gloomy =) I play in the era of sigmar with my army of ghosts and vampires, my beloved cat helps me in this, his name is simply Cat .. I think that this is a great name for a cat = )
    Recently I opened a service for painting miniatures, you ...
  10. Blog about old school minis... generally.

    I'm sure a lot of you are into old school stuff as well so you might like my blog;

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    The labels listing on the right is great for looking up posts on particular subjects eg John Carter;

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    Any C&C welcome!
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