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  1. ———


    Updated 08-21-2023 at 08:12 PM by Forest Elf

    Tabletop Gaming , GW Other , Other
  2. Hard to believe, but I have returned....(Relearning to Paint)

    I don't know if anyone here remembers me, I joined in 2003, some of you may not have been born yet, and was pretty active for several years. Then, as is often the case, life happened. I packed away my minis, paint, brushes, and all of the other miscellaneous bits of gear one uses in this hobby, and set everything aside for about 10 years. Hard to believe it has been that long. But, now life has finally slowed, my own kids are grown and are starting out on their own, I am getting closer
  3. my own storage

    paranoia about delivery
    clogged attention
    abrasions on individuals
    store sur charge
    permanence of containment
    circulating missing
    rare bond
    educated preparation(s)
    connectivity funding e.g. host venue overhead
    cash allotments & sympathy e.g. life's work

    previous statement of schematic of success
    the loser and the diagram foolish carnival

    my later purchases dealing with a account closing with future security ...
  4. past tonight

    so kadisi is not actually an actor and black people can be dangerous though the story
    i saw birds talking to each other and then there were others and different messages and metamorphosis
    oh my parents neighborhood was being funny with me being bonafide a word from nba street unlockable characters
    i'm not pretending being the alphonic in different ways is not humorous with meanings of aggressor negro
    i saw someone i knew from cavalier drive walk past appeared to be trying ...
  5. the hobby a rambling soliloquy professed biblically

    crazy logical esteem goal (don't do that and va etc.)
    looking at thought provoking material and conversations afterwards chats caffeine
    what i was into
    also other formats
    music vinyl mp3 not as well understood the cds on crosley media player jewel cases
    toys action figures statues random miscellanea room contrasts some interest topics spiderman comic journalism dc universes
    recording video photo publishing storage study and memory self documented the bringing ...
  6. ASOIAF Stark Outriders

    This is my first kick at the can on CMON!

    I recently got into airbrushing and the A Song of Ice and Fire set of Stark Outriders were my first attempt at using it!!

    Let me know what you think.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images       
  7. Hello miniworld :)

    Hi all!

    Just a simple say-hallo-type-of-thing
    New year, new ideas, new challenges bla bla bla
    So I figured why not to go outside instagram and see what happens. So here it is, my fist cmon pic: Tzeentch skirmish warband mustered from Silver Tower models.
    Hope you all like it.
    And have a great new year!

    cheers o/
  8. DAK and Wehrmacht miniatures

    Bolt Action game miniatures. machinegun crew and halftrack crew.

    Some Deutsches Afrika Korps miniatures - HQ crew with freehand map.
    Name:  UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_1a86.jpg
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    Full album with all pictures here !

    okey dokey guys
  9. Update 2: negotiations

    Hello everyone!

    Last week I decided to email several artists at the same time in order to accelerate the process a little bit. From all those emails I got three responses from which I am still in negotiations. The offers I got have varied a lot, some more expensive than I can afford and others much better. Anyhow, I'm waiting to close all conversations before I continue through with a concept.

    By the end of next week I should have a concept ready. Here are the three that ...
  10. Best of WarGamingMamas

    I've decided to share with you (time to time) most visited / most popular pictures from WarGamingMamas professional studio.
    If you want to see all pictures, check the flickr album HERE
    I gave the album name "most visit"
    Pictures in this album have been seen hundreds times and a lot of them even thousands times. (by unique IP addresses )

    Name:  27352249958_d7970bf82a_o.jpg
Views: 1129
Size:  21.4 KB

    Yea We are pretty proud of our work but what pleases us most is appreciation from ...

    Updated 04-09-2018 at 05:31 AM by Jan from WarGamingMamas

    Tabletop Gaming , Warhammer Fantasy , Warhammer 40K , Other
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