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  1. my own storage

    paranoia about delivery
    clogged attention
    abrasions on individuals
    store sur charge
    permanence of containment
    circulating missing
    rare bond
    educated preparation(s)
    connectivity funding e.g. host venue overhead
    cash allotments & sympathy e.g. life's work

    previous statement of schematic of success
    the loser and the diagram foolish carnival

    my later purchases dealing with a account closing with future security ...
  2. past tonight

    so kadisi is not actually an actor and black people can be dangerous though the story
    i saw birds talking to each other and then there were others and different messages and metamorphosis
    oh my parents neighborhood was being funny with me being bonafide a word from nba street unlockable characters
    i'm not pretending being the alphonic in different ways is not humorous with meanings of aggressor negro
    i saw someone i knew from cavalier drive walk past appeared to be trying ...
  3. the hobby a rambling soliloquy professed biblically

    crazy logical esteem goal (don't do that and va etc.)
    looking at thought provoking material and conversations afterwards chats caffeine
    what i was into
    also other formats
    music vinyl mp3 not as well understood the cds on crosley media player jewel cases
    toys action figures statues random miscellanea room contrasts some interest topics spiderman comic journalism dc universes
    recording video photo publishing storage study and memory self documented the bringing ...
  4. Reasearch log

    As an ambassador of boardgames I'm researching several age and social groups to find the perfect games for them. This is subject 0401, a perfect candidate for zombie games although she seemed to have difficulties of understanding the difference in the nature of slow and fast zombies.
    Name:  DSCF2341-w1000-lq.jpg
Views: 1640
Size:  156.5 KB
  5. Social Media and opportunities (by Unszene)

    I just had to share this- I came home so jazzed from today!

    Today's Demo Report-

    Social media really is one of the best things that's happened to game culture. A friend of mine on Facebook "liked" a new game store in the Indianapolis area, so I checked them out. I sent them a message and told them I was part of Cool Mini or Not's volunteer group THE LEGION, and asked if they would like me to run some demos in their store. They were indeed interested, so we set

    Updated 08-05-2014 at 10:38 AM by TheLegion

    Tags: the legion Add / Edit Tags
    Tabletop Gaming , Other , Current affairs
  6. Ressurecting my painting..

    Okay, so after that evil 5 year hiatus and now that I have some time off of school I'm finally trying to get things back together so I can paint. But- here's the problem: my parents decided to renovate while I was gone.. and quickly too. And so it became "shove everything into a box and let it rot in the shed, exposed to the elements". Every time I find something, it's pretty much destroyed. I had a VERY nice owl feather I had gotten years ago and now it's trash- it was bent and riddled ...
    General , Current affairs

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