Week 15: Ghouls out for summer - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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Week 15: Ghouls out for summer

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The sun has well and truely arrived in Exeter and to mark the event I have now passed 50 ghouls painted.

These bad boys are starting to look pretty good on masse, even if I do say so myself..

Another 15 painted this week, including a Crpt ghoul ghast.

The Crypt ghoul ghast has been converted up using the body of an Empire Flagulent. I think that I have lent the head too far back, but apart from that I am quite happy with the result.


Once again I have been combining about half of the ghouls into shared bases, so that figure placement is easier.

I have had to do a fair amount of conversion on the ghouls with skeletons on their backs, but have now hit on the idea of putting a shield there...

I think that I will try this again, it appears to work quite well..

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  1. supervike's Avatar
    You've amazing productivity! And stellar results! Congrats on working so darn well!

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