My new blog....first blog ever - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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Shawn R. L.

My new blog....first blog ever

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Never done a blog before. . . . . . . . . . 

   Well, I'd been a busy bear for a few months then everything came to a skidding halt. Don't you hate it when 'the juice' just shuts off?!! Depression's been hitting particularly hard lately and that doesn't help matters. . . .  Oye vey!! Art's what keeps my world in balance and when it's not there it just seems like gravity's tilted or something.

   There's a TON of stuff I've done for Armorcast that in the production que and I will be announcing the cooler bit's when they make it to the light of day. I just got done with an overhead freeway (motorway) that should add a very cool look to a gaming table.

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