Pirates of the High Seas! - 20 (Finale) - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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Pirates of the High Seas! - 20 (Finale)

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Well after a long overdue post, Im pretty happy with how the captain turned out and the whole crew, the whole project was to practice weathering and actually working from mid or lighter tones and shading etc, and i think i have learnt alot by doing something im very not used to. Anyway onto the pictures of the Dread Pirate LeChuck and his crew:

Captain LeChuck
Captain LeChuck 02

And of course the crew picture with following individual shots  in no particular order:
Pirate Crew Finish

Ahab (Ganger):

Dave (Ganger):

Dok Grog (Ganger):
Dok Grog

Grom Stormscream (Ganger):
Grom Stormscream

Meathook (Ganger):

Largo LaGrande (Heavy):
Largo LaGrande

Herman Toothrot (Heavy):
Herman Toothrot

Rodger and Murray (Juves):
Rodger & Murray

Thanks for everyone who has been watching this project and all the support given as it's all been helpful in motivating me. Time to test these guys out on the high seas. Yarr !!

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Painting and Modelling , Warhammer 40K


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