Metallic metall #1 - Forge World Boarding Marine - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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Metallic metall #1 - Forge World Boarding Marine

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This is  Forge World Games Day 2011 model painted with metallic paints. I am reasonably proficient (I so I thought) in painting rusty bashed up metal but I never tried to paint  new and unspoiled one. So after getting a suitable model and reading Automaton's tutorial on painting metal I produced this one


It is painted with GW Mithril silver and boldtgun metal paints and shaded with thin glazes of Coal black (P3), Black Red (Vallejo model), Black green (Vallejo model). The main surface was tinted with very dilute bubonic brown and goblin green (I mean it, it was essentially slightly colored water rather than diluted paint). 

I had some problems with re-highlighting. I seemed to me that mithril silver is not bright enough for spot highlights. I tried adding white to mithril, but while the color was obviously brighter it was also rather opaque. So, after a bit of research I used combination of GOLDEN Iridescent Pearl (fine) paint and  Vallejo Metal Medium. Here is the result

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