Day 27 - Details on the torso's
, 07-31-2012 at 09:18 AM (9143 Views)
Tonight I worked on the stomach details, I think they look pretty good. There are some I'll add a little more detail tomorrow when it's fully cured but all in all the base of what they'll all look like is there. Getting close to finishing them now...
Black Shield
Black Templar
Custom Marine
Imperial Fist
Space Wolf
When working on this part you need to just go slow. Get the greenstuff about the right thickness over the area you want it to be then cut away the excess. When doing the details on the wires ect, I just used my blade. Same as the six pack on my Custom Marine, I used the blade to figure out where I wanted them to be and roughly how deep then used my clay shapers to get them looking the way I wanted them.
I attempted the robes on the Dark Angel Space Marine tonight but it didn't work out to plan, I'll give it another go tomorrow...
Thanks for reading,
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