Hi all and a happy new year to you. Thanks for the help and support you wonderful people have shown me over the past year even if my output has not been as prolific or as amazing as some i have truely enjoyed my time here.
So whats happening this year?
Wyrd's Puppet Wars - Last year I managed to get my hands on a pack of all the pawn boosters and the multi player set to go with the base set i got the other christmas. Ive currently got the puppets from the base set undercoated and on the painting bench.
Mantics Dwarf Kings Hold - Last year I completed the figures from Dead Rising. This year i hope to get the rest done. So thats Green Menace and Ancient Grudge. So elves and orcs a plently and a few more dwarves and undead.
20mm WW2 Brits - Putting together a platoon of these to use with Two Hour Wargames Nuts system. I have some Plastic Soldier Company Late War British Infantry 44-45 and some Ready to Roll resin Shermans and Universal Carriers.
Super Dungeon Explore - Hope to get this painted this year as ive promised myself i wont buy the expansions till its completed.
Zombicide (Abominiation) - Ive been playing a lot of this so the minis will need a good wash before i do anything with them. Then its painting. Ive 3 trays of zombies atm so ill probly do them a tray at a time to not impact on playing the game as much.
Sedition Wars (Biohazard)x2 - This should arrive next week I bought 2 sets as i like the miniatures so much and am intending on using them for Two Hours Wargames New Beggings/Star Army wargames. So ill get one set painted whilst playing with the other.
Kingdom Death Monster - Ive backed this kickstarter that should be getting delivered in Nov (so call it Dec) Will prolly get some un boxing shots

Mad-Max - Im going to be looking at doing some Mad Max style vehicles and miniatures in 20mm for some small games
Malifaux - Ive had some of there figures for over a year now, should really get them painted.
Right thats what i can think of of the top of my head. If i only get a third of these finished ill be happy but ill keep you updated at least weekly with how things are going.
Take Care and have fun