Battle Wagon Conversion Continued: Painting Rust. - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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Battle Wagon Conversion Continued: Painting Rust.

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Hello again.

I wanted my ork army to look weathered, battered and uncared for. I needed to find an fast and easy way to paint rust as a basecoat. I'd like to share this technique with you guys.

It's a technique that uses 5 easy steps.

Step one: Prime your model (or the pieces you want to be rusty) with a matt black colour.

Step two: Paint a thin layer of a reddish brown (I used GW Scorched Brown) over the piece. If the layer isn't fully uniform, all the better.

Step three: Dab some brownish orange (I used GW Vermin Brown) all over the rusty parts. No need to be fancy, here. If some of the black undercoat still shows, it will look even better!

Step four: Do a heavy wash with a dark colour (reddish brown + black). I must admit I didn't do it for these wheels, though... This step can also be done at the very end if you want an even dirtier look.

Step five: Drybrush the piece using a metalic colour (I used GW Boltgun Metal).

It's as simple as that! This technique can be twisted in many ways...

Here, I skipped a few steps and primed the entire model with The Army Painter Leather Brown primer.

I then did some dabbing with a brownish orange (same colour as before).

As the colours were too pale, I did a real heavy wash (GW Badab Black).

Finally, I drybrushed the whole model with a metallic colour (same as before, GW Boltgun metal).

What do you think? I bet you never thought painting rust could be that easy! Hope it helps somebody else out there. Cheers!

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Updated 07-01-2013 at 04:50 PM by happyhowler (Again, forgot the tags...)

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Painting and Modelling , Tabletop Gaming , Warhammer 40K , Other


  1. flashmanfe's Avatar
    Very nice, thanks for sharing.

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