D&D Miniatures Gen Con Indy 2007 trophies
I've been involved as a Judge for the D&D Miniatures games at various big shows (Indy, So Cal, Winter Fantasy/D&D Experience) the last three years. The second time I was at Gen Con I talked with the man in charge of Organized Play for the game and told him that I could paint the trophies that he awards, and he agreed.
I recently finished up the next set of trophies that are to be prizes at Gen Con Indy 2007. Some of these four figures are availible in the recent Night Below set, but the first place trophy is my version of Icingdeath to be released in September 2007. Pictures are located on the Wizards of the Coast website but I've also posted them here.
Frost Giant Jarl
Green Clawborn Scarrow
Red Clawborn ScarrowHope you like!