Black primers, Delta Creamcoats and other laments! - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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Black primers, Delta Creamcoats and other laments!

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Work in ProgressSo, can someome remind me of why I'm using black (GW) primer these days?  (Oh yea, it's because my white primer ran out and I was griping about how I can't tell the difference between the white coat and the bare spot of metal that I missed when I did the primer coat.)  Anyway I decided that instead of using my good camera for the WIP shots I would simply snap my cell phone at them.  I have a few of them on the active queue, a tenticle monster that I'm not going to glue completely together because his tentacles would cover most of his body, a wizard with a cape hovering in the air, and two fighters.  (Somewhere in the background is a duck with a gun and a lady with a sledgehammer.)  I'm still on the Astrid's Parlor kick, trying to get the Delta Creamcoat to flow like milk, only on the black primer one notices how well it does not do that.  So thinning and layering is for me.  The skin is Reaper pro paints.  Hey they don't look so good on the first coat against black primer either!  I know, layer layer, and then wash wash wash.

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