Dwarven scribe and a redo on the swordwoman photo - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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Jeff Woodall Sculpting

Dwarven scribe and a redo on the swordwoman photo

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After some experimenting with photography I am now able to create better pictures of my sculpts.
My latest sculpt a dwarven scribe and redo of the swordwoman. Both made from polymer clay, green stuff and wire.
Dwarf is about 30 mm high from the wood base, the swordwoman 39mm from feet to head.Name:  swordwoman2.jpg
Views: 1873
Size:  385.9 KBName:  dwarvenscribe.jpg
Views: 1844
Size:  499.8 KB

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Updated 11-24-2019 at 04:24 PM by JeffWoodall

Painting and Modelling


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