vacation itenerary weekend -7 day to 1 month to 365 calendar
, 02-05-2020 at 05:39 PM (3376 Views)
mt vernon recenter county regulated (fear term for it's possible although and classifieds for personnel) tepid black hole of fixation can pay for a day with out of residency as a walk in locker room pool weights machines skating rink near library and shopping center and further from 711 be forewarned of racial neighborhood including remember the titans stereotype to streets
souvenir am vets current voters heroes uniformed individuals historic cyclical accounting hebrew witch doctor priests nearby churches walk in prices firm sturdy (departments media clothes house)
fast food or restaurant american applicable chains different approachable fat time save mcdonald's richmond highway pop eye's and kfc or taco bell plus later renovated buildings
parents know the specifics and what it's about for the other researched places from chopt' across old town (parking concerns) to distant accelerated drive to texas de brazil to el paso to fratelli with real estate expertise for buying selling renting and property management home townhome condominium etc specifics temperament personality
finding the mom and pop's though generation sustainable green disputes payments
waterfront national harbor potomac river woodrow wilson bridge with path belle haven marina
metro huntington parking or walk
unless you are healthy this plan may be too far spread out though gov took advantage of other technicalities such as motor bikes requiring paperwork (term for hospital doctor manager though explanations and excuses etc)
currency break down
$100 comfortable bar tab with if entertainment music option for merch and earlier departure crowds (can get bumped up $20-30 for the upgraded belligerence of point)
$20 a wham and a change and a option choice savable
$5 use your brain bored
$1 hobo
$10 hungry unintoxicated
$50 ungambled providers stingy (terms for 'do you need to find out' or look at what happened to this patron etc)
recenter $14? to one day visitation trust the unseen and the unspoken taxation magic
am vets $3-$75 big spender the benefited
fast food $12? the appetite quenched onwards plus paperwork
waterfront $0- one day sur charge in person distance
metro $15 overheard of tips safety and again don't be depressed or upset
a point of interest: landmark historical site mall etc.
more intell:
drivers license old world you probably could insure your route (have your partner seduce people if that is applicable is what i paranoid assumed; german babes real world nonchalant non scams compared to white collar criminals and karma) or uber ($20 credit score far away or frustrated and angry elicit automated returning users) or taxi ($25 cash lazy arrival cheap)
hotels on route 1 (also known as richmond highway) bed room toilet running water (alexandria heard of having good tap water also good for teeth)
walkable to department store with nondesigner durability though walmart though european
seedy minority vehicle police tour bus
for the i live here: lounge (there is a 18th street lounge in near a strip club and roof top bars in dc with house party feels and many specific alcohol serving places) probably good idea to go to the entrepreneurial mind meeters the excitement died when you get here to see disabled interaction professionals though wait someone out owners
northern virginia rumors
familiarity expertise
the winging it intermediate difficulty survival seen foreigner
burner phone from walmart and money wiring places
have seen french in metered ride conversation and german bar places industrial and clients (the old town train city toilet food two legs handicapped peaceful learned)
what i detect: your woman sexually used as gateway to luxury and other schemes see angie by overseas stones and questionable hospitality treatment someone thought about this or didn't back down
generic placements dc wild argumentative breakers apparel assumed communes hotel refinery brothel coke USA embassy
whites music arts distant universities if with could be malingered at under campus security
pimping tutoring networking odd jobs favors mail order brides etc.
catholic church saint louis mass sunday 8 to get there at doors at 9 or 11 again
choices said based on walk in cash can get there by foot someone who knows what and even exactly
previous insights:
mental illness
annoying and blame
the french grocery bread dog walk love stage disease
the german merch hot dog concession jews
the english tea disparagement smarter and nomad
the miami old town va hud housing
the texas western nightfall town criminal cop civilian eventually judgement
the va beach the strip seafood stigma (some of the best is taboo such as illegal trends but expensive)
the richmond bucknell hobby you'll never be that good univercity all in
the fort gordon military problems training price class installments
the california wines and drugs available with intro or affordability
the west virginia enough family golf trashy
the florida fame state post sand established
the maryland don't speak good english political betrayal division then kool
the washington dc world power brain what's wanted
cruise proper approachable dice bodies of water knowing
spain vacation sun
what was wanted from
the french charisma making out
the german knowledge beauty rational versus
the english heroine language fairy ferry etc
the miami mysteries transgender
the texas cowboy indian
the va beach waves navy the good
the richmond poe's jurisdictional catalogs desolated
the fort gordon being taught pessimistic culture appeasement assimilation
the california american third world outlandish communes border
the west virginia alone selfish portrait strong
the florida relatives alone made paid
the maryland similar chains outer user
the washington dc goals representation comedy actuality
cruise parent ship cabin reality bend paranormal
spain roman wanting what someone else wants and getting that
africa insight some get sent to 'homeland' 'motherland' and immigrants and imported
keith richards zoo nelson mandela (not funny or nice not a murderer dignified racial profiling computer user slave master charming idiot aided needle etc)
peace corps
image of future
lost belongings
lost name
kept home (good thing seeing waves of warriors at war with me not that blemished aging past 27 getting past 36)
where was the achievement (word used in xbox 360 system) better than that the accomplishment i got high from thinking about things i've done such as created works
seeing parents future well being with the schmeckles or something
military usage disability usage business usage continued belief of our troubles
created belonging circulations
future slow patience
how well of a publishing
sense of purpose and achievement
good images
steve perry
other purchases
house cleaner
some land materials that came up:
through the past darkly
his favorites
more over here fallout 3 xbox 360 northern va
community college distributed items for sale (record store game shop businesses)
alvarez guitar being the nonimpulsive nontimeconsuming or embarassing or competitive (this one was usable resalable in case of emergency)
amtrak etc romantic images of services provided sometimes dealing with ugly visions direct though tuning and pay for your tuna or calamari
around here hmm maybe carter family (appalacia blue grass hello stranger, will the circle be unbroken, wildflower)? that sort of says it there's the stores copy then you know someone who can do that or someone who doesn't but invovlements
mcaulliffe who knew clinton for societies and someones child
drug dog etc
your repeated do again
this person who can pay or answer
what to not do to get in trouble with owner
talk with guest
not pay for alcohol
be better than master
sell drugs
sell prostitutes
get addicted
many problems