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Ponycat miniatures

Let's get to know each other!

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Hi all! My name is Vicki, I live in Vietnam and I'm obviously a miniature artist!
Damn I love my job and I can not live a day without taking up a brush. I really like to make bright and catchy works, but sometimes I'm drawn to something more gloomy =) I play in the era of sigmar with my army of ghosts and vampires, my beloved cat helps me in this, his name is simply Cat .. I think that this is a great name for a cat = )
Recently I opened a service for painting miniatures, you can see my works on my website https://www.ponycatminiatures.com . I plan to post videos of my work on this blog, for now, unfortunately, on the phone, but I think in the future I will be able to make really good and useful videos.

See you =)
Name:  painting comission warhammer miniatures (2).jpg
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Name:  painting comission warhammer miniatures.jpg
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Size:  378.1 KBName:  painting comission warhammer miniature.jpg
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