It all worked out fine but we had a scare. - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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It all worked out fine but we had a scare.

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<p>Okay, it was brought to my attention that I haven't updated since Mr C's hearing on his disability.&nbsp; He won but we won't br seeing any of the money for it until February.&nbsp; That's cool though.&nbsp; It means as soon as we have official word of the verdict Mr C can start re-training.</p><p>The whole ting did depress him some.&nbsp; The judge asked him some questions and then officially stated the medical limitations of his issues.&nbsp; &quot;He can't see out of one eye and he's 20/1000 in the other with gaps and holes in the vision.&nbsp; He's had multiple retinal detachments so his ability to due heavy labor is limited due to risk of further detachments.&quot;&nbsp; He then asked the expert from the Labor Department if the were any jobs that Mr C could do and the Labor guys said &quot;no, there are no jobs in segnificant numbers that he could do.&quot;&nbsp; It's no wonder Mr C got a bit depressed.&nbsp; He's always prided himself on his ability to care for his family.</p><p>He's better now, though.&nbsp; The prospect of re-training is making him happy.&nbsp; That's always a good thing.&nbsp; </p><p>Beyond that the weekend was the same as always.&nbsp; I have to work on Thanksgiving day (Thursday for all my non-US friends) but I have enough time before work to take Mr C and Alex to the inlaws.&nbsp; They may have to stay the night</p><p>We did have a bit of a scare though.&nbsp; The police showed up at the front door on Friday asking to talk to Alex.&nbsp; It seems a girl is missing and the vice-principle at his old school says she has &quot;reliable information&quot; that she'd be at our house with Alex.&nbsp; Alex doesn't know the girl other than to point her out in the school photos and she's never ever been to the house.&nbsp; They think Alex might be involved.&nbsp; No word on if they've found her yet.&nbsp; I'm very worried how this will turn out and why Alex's name came up.&nbsp; I'll keep you informed of any developments in this.</p>

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  1. Roger Bunting's Avatar
    Yes, it can be depressing when your health prevents you from doing things you would normally do. I empathise with Mr C. with that. The Alex thing; that must have been a real shock for everyone.I hope it gets resolved quickly and some stern words are spoken to the "reliable source".

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