Totally (NOT )ripping off other people work... - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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Totally (NOT )ripping off other people work...

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edited: I was wrong, they have an agreement with hirts arts so they are cool:

 my apologies and thanks to everyone that sent me the link above


isn't this (new) terrain piece:

a little bit too similar with this set done by hirst arts?

I know that gothic churches are supposed to be similar but this is really a copycat! : (

p.s. still working on the undead army for warhammer (85+ skeletons in 2000 pts), i'm having some good results using the fanatic army painter and i'm planning to post some pictures soon

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Painting and Modelling , Terrains (General)


  1. Scott's Avatar
    Hirst Arts make moulds - what do you expect people to do with them??!!
  2. skeeve's Avatar
    Hmmm. a word of advise... before you accuse people of infringement do some minimal research.

    They actually stated explicitly on their site they use Hirst designs and that this particular Church is of Hirst design.

    Look in here. Last entry in the Structure section

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