Its worse than crack...
Right, so its been awhile since I blogged here. My LGS has gotten into the only historical game ever to rear its head there: Flames of War. For those that don't know this is a WWII game with armies from the US, Britain, Germany, Italy, Soviet Union and others. The minis are surprisingly well-sculpted and the game is fairly easy to play (if you can play 40k you can play this easy). In point of fact, after reviewing 5th edition 40k, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that it has borrowed heavily from the success of FOW's last 5-ish years, to the point where even the pictures and diagrams are similar in both books.
All that said there is one little issue with FOW (and I mean little): the minis are 15mm scale. I haven't had the opportunity to paint anything yet, and I really don't intend to put the detail I do into larger models. Of course, I do love snipers, and have three sniper teams to paint. So... you never know.Since there was a distinct lack of certain factions in play at the store, I elected to play the one no one was playing: the BRITISH! So cheers to my British brethren and all subjects of the empire, I will try and represent you well! And since I bear a heritage from there, I further elected to take my rifle platoon and fashion them as The Scottish Rifles (Cameronians). Heaven knows, I couldn't let the wee 15mm bagpiper go to waste!
I think it was appropos that I undertook my first game today: The anniversary of D-Day.