The cat is getting his manhood cut off - Blogs - CoolMiniOrNot Forums
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The cat is getting his manhood cut off

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Actually it was cut out this morning... or would that be they?

In any case, I had to take him in yesterday for a checkup before he could get fixed and it turned out we didn't have an animal carrier like we thought we did.  God know where things disappear to.  So I carried him into the vet's office expecting to have to fight with him the whole time.  Wow, was I wrong.  He perched himself buttside out on my shoulder the whole time.  He was terrified.
And rightly so.
Within two minutes of entering the exam room, he was violated twice: once for his temperature and once to get a stool sample.  A few minutes later he got two jabs, one for rabies and the other to draw blood for tests.
A few minutes later the Vet comes in a jabs him twice more.  At this point it is important to tell you my cat's inner monologue is that of a cold war era soviet spy and as such he speaks in a russian accent.  My wife and I firmly believe this, and it was confirmed for me when he got those last couple of pokes.  He didn't flinch at all.  It was like he was saying "Is that all you can do, tovarisch?  Bring it on, yankee boy!"
We got lucky and a surgical appointment was cancelled as we were standing there waiting to pay, with him once again perched on my shoulder.  Much to the kitty-spy's chagrin, that appointment was for this morning and he got it.
The ball-less wonder comes home tomorrow.
We really hope this keeps him from pissing on everything now.

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  1. wiccanpony's Avatar
    He'll be happier for it...... what age do they neuter puppies in the UK?? Over here they can do it as young as 8 weeks... it use to be at age 6 months but the procedure has improved over time.

    Congratulations for being a responsible pet owner.
  2. Thunderhawker's Avatar
    Couldn't tell ya about the UK, I live in Virginia.

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